
bēi jiàn
  • lowly;mean and low
卑贱 [bēi jiàn]
  • (1) [lowly]∶旧指出身或地位低下

  • 他们虽然卑贱,人家却害怕他们

  • (2) [mean and low]∶卑鄙下贱

  • 卑贱的行为

卑贱[bēi jiàn]
  1. 卑贱者往往最聪明。

    The lowly are often most intelligent .

  2. 卑贱者未必愚蠢,高贵者未必聪明。

    The lowly are not necessarily stupid ; the high-born not necessarily intelligent .

  3. 斯皮罗斯·拉齐斯的第一份职业是爱琴海上一名地位卑贱的渔夫。

    Spyros Latsis started his career as a humble fisherman in the Aegean

  4. 艺术是一种创造力,能够把最卑贱的事物变得崇高庄严

    Art is about creativity , transmuting the humblest subjects into the sublime .

  5. 直到卑贱的人民,得胜回归家庭;

    Stay not till all the lowly Triumphant reach their home ;

  6. 她瞧不起我出身卑贱,家境贫困。

    She 's contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings .

  7. 为最卑贱的子民和最高的帝王而生。

    For the lowest of men to the highest of kings .

  8. 他贫穷,但行为并不卑贱。

    He is poor but not abject in his manner .

  9. 我是卑贱的。我用什么回答你呢。

    Behold , I am vile ; what shall I answer thee ?

  10. 他总把那个卑贱的人带在身边。

    He keeps the wretched man by his side constantly .

  11. 又一颗头颅卑贱地悬挂着,孩子慢慢地被夺去生命;

    The cranberries another head hangs lowly ; child is slowly taken ;

  12. 臣服和卑贱,还有爱的果实。

    And fruit of love , Love , I submit to thee .

  13. 我们不是那种你曾经代理过的那些卑贱的人。

    We 're not the typical lowlifes that you represent .

  14. 我想提醒大家,世上没有卑贱的工作。

    I want to remind you that there is no humble work .

  15. 连最卑贱的奴隶也加入了叛乱。

    Even the most abject slaves joined in the revolt .

  16. 那些软弱的,卑贱的,渺小的,都是我们的同类。

    Those weak , humble and unimportant people are of our own kind .

  17. 精神,找到你的路&寻找像河一样的卑贱。

    Spirit , find your way , in seeking lowness like a stream .

  18. 当妇女们认为她们本来就是卑贱的

    and when women themselves believe in their inferiority ,

  19. 高贵者不应该看不起卑贱者。

    The palace should not scorn the cottage .

  20. 以致于他们在我的脑中幻化成一个单一的个体--卑贱的移民。

    that they had become one thing in my mind , the abject immigrant .

  21. 卑贱的人总是安全的。

    The despicable are ever " safe " .

  22. 太卑贱的秽物,不配被你记忆。

    Too base of thee to be remembered .

  23. 那个人卑贱得一文不值。

    That man was humbled to nothingness .

  24. 卑贱的具有或表现出可鄙的,卑贱的,卑鄙的自私的而没有人的可敬的行为标准。

    Having or showing a contemptible , mean-spirited , or selfish lack of human decency .

  25. 我们将崇高地挽救活卑贱地丧失地球上最后最好地希望。

    We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last , best hope of earth .

  26. 她出生卑贱。

    She was born of humble parentage .

  27. 跟着他反倒仿佛加倍警醒起来似的,象一个身受奴役而卑贱、形遭戕贼而短小的天神一样。

    He then seemed to be doubly awake , like an enslaved and dwarfed divinity .

  28. 她知道,即使在最高贵者面前,最卑贱者也有自己的权力。

    She knows that the humblest have their rights even in the presence of the greatest .

  29. 世在卑贱的海洋里,我们游得越深,沉没得越快。

    In the ocean of baseness , the deeper we get , the easier the sinking .

  30. 卑贱者最聪明,高贵者最愚蠢。

    The elite are most ignorant .