
  • 网络Good Meeting
  1. 他没有主持好会议,结果落选。

    He mishandled the meeting badly and lost the vote .

  2. 请妥善保管好会议证件,凭证就餐。

    Please keep the conference badge and meal vouch in a safe place .

  3. 他们必须收拾好会议桌上的所有材料。

    They need to put away all the materials on the meeting table .

  4. 你没有准备好会议的资料。

    That you weren 't prepared for the meeting .

  5. 你已经准备好会议的日程了吗?

    Have you prepared the agenda of the meeting ?

  6. 作为主席的人有责任安排好会议。马克安排会议,所有的事都筹备齐全了。

    The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meeting . Mark set up the meeting , all the arrangements have been made .

  7. 会议之前,填写好会议的各个项目。会议期间,单击方块区域填写针对每个项目讨论的细节。

    Before the meeting , fill out the items for the meeting . During the meeting click on the square to fill in the details discussed for each item .

  8. 今年的圣诞节对我们来说是个严峻的事件,我会尽快地编辑好会议内容,这样大家就能够阅读到感兴趣的部分。

    Christmas was a rather grim affair for us this year . I 'll edit it as tight as I can so that anything of general interest can be read .

  9. A:这是一个很好的会议,Liz。

    A : This is a very good meeting , Liz .

  10. 他们已经安排好了会议的时间和地点。

    They have set the time and place of the meeting .

  11. 咱们定好下次会议的时间和地点吧。

    Let 's arrange a time and place for our next meeting .

  12. 我要参加好几个会议。

    I have a number of meetings to go to .

  13. 好,会议到此结束。

    Susanna : All right , then . This meeting is over .

  14. 未被计划好的会议通知造成了氛围和士气不自觉的变化。

    The ill-planned meeting notice caused an unintended change in climate and morale .

  15. 这个镇以有一个非常好的会议中心而自豪。

    The town boasts an excellent conference center .

  16. 那儿已经安排好了会议室。

    There is a conference room already prepared .

  17. 作为我的职责的一部分,我得利用好每次会议的每一分钟。

    As part of my duties , I have to take minutes at each meeting .

  18. 我得承认我们早上不是很好而且会议…

    I have to admit our morning was not the greatest , and the meeting was ...

  19. 让我们呼吁周五不开会,而且至少从每周中取消一天安排好的会议。

    Lets declare No Meeting Fridays and reclaim at least one day a week from scheduled meetings .

  20. 我有一份广告文案,这应该是个很好的会议!

    I 've got the advertising copy to show him . It should be a good meeting !

  21. 在1992年奥林匹克运动会上成功地做到了这些,我们同样用相同的精神来组织好这次会议。

    It succeeded in doing so during the1992 Olympic Games and we are organising this Congress with the same spirit .

  22. 今天星期五,七个工业化国家的财政部长将在美国财政部举行一次先前安排好的会议。

    On Friday finance ministers from the seven richest industrial nations hold a previously scheduled meeting at the U.S. Treasury .

  23. 琼斯在接受采访时说,在这些此前已经安排好的会议之后,事态应该会更加明朗。

    ' We should have more clarity about where things stand after those meetings , ' Mr. Jones said in an interview .

  24. 让我们呼吁“周五不开会”,而且至少从每周中取消一天安排好的会议。

    Let 's declare " No Meeting Fridays " and reclaim at least one day a week from scheduled meetings 。 3 .

  25. 我们好安排会议之前我们的见面时间,以便有更好的沟通,使会议更加圆满。

    Our good arrangement meeting is previous we meet time , in order to have the better communication , making meeting is satisfactory more .

  26. 我哥哥已经在迈阿密一家酒店预订好了会议室,家属和新人在婚礼前一夜可以在这里相聚。

    My brother had reserved a meeting room in a Miami hotel where the families and wedding party could get together and meet the night before the wedding .

  27. 要想保住一个好的会议室是很困难的,因为管理层总是要占住不放;同样地,远程会议也有自己的后勤问题要解决。

    Just as it can be difficult to secure the good meeting room because of that executive who hogs it all the time , remote meetings have their own logistical problems to deal with .

  28. 那么准备好参加销售会议了吗

    Daniel : So ... ready for your big pitch meeting ?

  29. 你有没有安排好明天早上会议的房间?

    Have you arranged a room for the seminar for tomorrow morning ?

  30. 我会准备好10:00的会议的。

    I 'll be ready for our meeting at10:00 .