
  • 网络New Dynamic Institute;IR-DYN;NEWS;new dynamic
  1. 当新动态web项目向导出现时,你在大多数情况下可以使用默认选项,无需做出更改。

    When the New Dynamic Web Project Wizard appears , you can , for the most part , leave the default options .

  2. 这则惊人的广告意在为沃尔沃卡车的新动态转向系统做宣传。自从11月13日上传到YouTube视频网站上以来,已经获得了超过两千万的点击量。

    The stunt , meant to advertise Volvo Trucks new dynamic steering system , has drawn more than 20 million views on YouTube since the video was posted on Nov. 13 .

  3. E公司、DeBeers公司及俄国相关企业的最新动态;

    E. company , De Beers company , and the enterprises in Russia .

  4. 在食品工业中HACCP系统的最新动态

    Up-to - date of HACCP in Food Industry

  5. TiO2生产发展和市场新动态

    Production and Market Situation of TiO_2 in Worldwide

  6. VoIP技术发展新动态

    The New Development of VoIP Technology

  7. TNT红水治理研究新动态

    Latest Progress on the Treatment of TNT Red Water

  8. 业务流程管理(BPM)技术演进及新动态通信工程项目进度与费用的动态管理

    THE EVOLVING TRENDS OF BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY ; Time and Cost Dynamic Management of Communication Engineering Project

  9. 2004年IFC对中国的投资有哪些新动态?

    Are there any new trends of IFC 's investment in China in 2004 ?

  10. 游客到了伦敦,可以通过Facebook等社交网站或Twitter等微博网站来了解奥运会期间的最新动态。

    Once in London , visitors can keep up-to-date with what 's happening during the Games via social-networking sites like Facebook or microblogging sites like Twitter .

  11. 文章追踪了CDMA系统编码领域的最新动态,并在最后给出了正交全补码的CDMA系统的多径信号接收技术。

    Some new developments in CDMA system coding filed are focused on . Finally multipath signal reception techniques of CDMA system based on orthogonal complementary codes are demonstrated .

  12. SNS社区是帮助你与朋友、同事、同学、家人保持更紧密联系的真实社交平台,在这里你可以及时了解他们的最新动态;

    SNS is a actual communicating community where you can keep in deep touch with your friends , colleagues , schoolmates and family .

  13. 关于G-M成果研究的若干新动态Ⅱ&与G-M型空间相关的算子

    On Recent Developments in Studies of G-M 's Results ⅱ & Operators related to G-M type spaces

  14. 以MPLS的起源为背景,较全面地描述了MPLS的标准化过程,最后阐述了MPLS的应用现状及最新动态和发展展望。

    On the background of MPLS origin , it describes the MPLS standardizing process in detail , deals with MPLS application state , current status and developing trend .

  15. 中国国有企业两名最资深的经理人昨日辞去自己的首席执行官(ceo)职务,这是分隔ceo与董事长职务的一系列行动的最新动态。

    Two of the most senior managers at Chinese state-owned enterprises resigned from their chief executive Posts yesterday , the latest in a series of moves separating the roles of CEO and chairman .

  16. 在纳米CMOS器件方面,主要介绍近半年来65nm工艺及器件的最新动态;

    In nano-CMOS device , the development in 65 nm technology and device in recent half years are introduced .

  17. 冰雪圈研究的新动态&参加2004年AGU秋季年会情况报告

    The progresses in cryosphere science & introduction of the 2004 AGU fall meeting

  18. facebook让人们可以了解朋友的最新动态,它甚至不是这类网站中最大的,myspace曾经宣称它拥有更多用户。

    Facebook , which allows people to keep track of what friends say and do , was not even the largest such network ; MySpace boasted more users .

  19. 美国在上周五表示,对最新动态表示不安。美国国务院发言人马克唐纳(MarkToner)警告称,展示武力只会加剧紧张。

    The US said on Friday that is was troubled by the latest developments , with Mark Toner , a state department spokesman , warning that shows of force only increase tensions .

  20. 介绍了从1998年至2001年底富士胶片公司研制开发热敏CTP版材的最新动态。

    The article is about the latest research and development of heat sensitive CTP plate of Fuji Photo Film Co. from 1998 to 2001.Fuji Photo Film co.

  21. 本文首先查阅了大量的技术资料,在研究了RFID在国内外发展的最新动态后,描述了RFID系统的组成、工作原理等。

    It introduces RFID system background meaning at the beginning after researched RFID latest domestic and overseas trends based on lots of technology data . Afterwards it describes RFID system composition , principle and so on .

  22. 简述了即按即通(PTT)集群通信的发展历史,描述了其发展的现状和最新动态。

    This paper briefly reviews the history of the PTT ( push to talk ) Trunking telecommunication and depicts an overview of its current development status and the newest trends .

  23. 中东地区OACIS发展的最新动态

    Latest Development Trend of OACIS Development in the Middle East

  24. 他们有成千上万的员工,其中包括研究分析师和基金经理人&其中许多人经常在CNN和CNBC电视频道的股票市场最新动态评论节目中露面。

    They have thousands of employees , including research analysts and money managers-many of whom can be spotted on CNN and CNBC commenting on the latest happenings in the stock market .

  25. Myfamily的注册会员每天或每周都能收到有关网站最新动态的电子邮件信息。

    Email updates are sent to site members daily or weekly to inform them about the site 's latest developments .

  26. AL-31F发动机的改进新动态

    New Improvement of AL-31F Aero-engine

  27. 即时更新的电子报可通知会员ICSB的最新动态,并且让足以影响商业活动的实务经验更易于分享。

    Timely bulletins are designed to inform members about ICSB activities and to facilitate the sharing of practical knowledge that can impact business activities .

  28. 详细介绍了光动力化学疗法(PDCT)的发展历史及肿瘤治疗的光动力化学原理,并介绍了肿瘤光动力化学疗法这一领域的最新动态。

    In this paper , the history and principle of photodynamic chemistry of tumor therapy are reported in details , and the recent progresses in this field are also discussed .

  29. 骨骼肌纤维研究的新动态

    New Trends in the Study of Fibers from Human Skeletal Muscle

  30. 国内外充气建筑的发展国内外混凝土外加剂技术的新动态

    Recent Development of Concrete Admixture Technology in the Country and Abroad