
  1. 《条例》围绕培养德才兼备的高素质、专业化新型军事人才,对于推动军事职业教育建设发展、构建新型军事人才培养体系,具有重要意义。

    Focusing on training new types of high-caliber and professional military personnel with both integrity and ability , the regulations are of great significance for promoting the development of military professional education and fostering a new system for training military personnel .

  2. 新时代军事教育方针,就是坚持党对军队的绝对领导,为强国兴军服务,培养德才兼备的高素质、专业化新型军事人才。

    The military education policy in the new era upholds the Party 's absolute leadership over the military , serves the goal of building a strong country with a strong military , and aims to train a new type of military personnel who are competent , professional and possess both integrity and ability .

  3. 新型军事人才综合培养中的科学考评

    On Scientific Assessment in Integrated Training of New Type Military Talents

  4. 着力培养高素质新型军事人才。

    We will focus on training a new type of highly competent military personnel .

  5. 随着新军事变革深入丌展,培养信息化新型军事人才就成为我军面临的首要问题。

    With the new Military Revolution carry out rapidly , educated Modern Military Talents become the principal problem faced by our military .

  6. 军队院校本科学员培养是高素质新型军事人才培养的重要组成部分。

    The cultivating of the undergraduate cadets is an important part of the cultivating of the new and high quality military talent person .

  7. 培养和造就一大批高素质的新型军事人才,才能打赢未来信息化战争。

    Foster and bring up a large number of high-quality military personnel of a new type , in order to win the future war .

  8. 在高素质新型军事人才方面,我国武警部队与世界军事强国相比,差距十分明显。

    In the new military personnel of high quality , comparing our armed forces and military power with the foreign , the gap is obvious .

  9. 以新时期军事斗争准备为牵引,改革与创新军事基础课程体系,是我院4+1模式新型军事人才对军事基础教学与训练的客观要求。

    Aimed at preparation of military struggle in the new era , it is the objective requirement for teaching and training to reform and innovate military fundamental courses system .

  10. 在知识军事时代悄然而至的今天,就特别需要能够驾驭现代化战争并能将战争引向胜利的新型军事人才。

    In today thanks to the widespread knowledge of military age , to manage the special needs of modern war and the war can lead New military personnel to the victory .

  11. 军队院校本科生作为21世纪的高级新型军事人才,尤其要增强建设信息化军队、打赢信息化战争的能力。

    Undergraduate in military academies , as the 21st century senior new military Talents , in particular , to strengthen ability of building the information military and winning the information war .

  12. 军队院校担负着培养新型军事人才的重任,掌握新的教育技术,树立新的教学观念,把握新的教学规律,建立新的教学模式,是军事教育的潮流和趋势。

    Charging with the important task of training military personnel , it is the trend for the military academies to master new educational technologies and to establish a new concept of teaching model .

  13. 在文化方面,它有助于培育新型军事人才、促进军事文化创新、引领社会道德风尚;

    In the cultural ways , it is helpful to cultivate military personnel of a new type , to promote the innovation of military culture , and to lead a fashion of social morality .

  14. 在全面科技视阈下解决上述两大困境对新型军事人才素质培养提出了新的更高要求&全面科技素质培养。

    In the " comprehensive - science-technology " visual threshold , resolving the plight of these two aspects had set new and higher requirements to the diathesis training of new military personnel-comprehensive scientific and technological diathesis training .

  15. 所以,研究我军后备军官能力素质的培养,探索解决这些矛盾和问题,是时代的课题,也是我军高素质新型军事人才的培养工作的迫切任务。

    Therefore , it is the task of present time and the emergent task of training high-caliber military personnel to study the cultivating the ability of reserve officer of Chinese army and to solve those contradictions and problems .

  16. 中国军队坚持把培养高素质的新型军事人才作为根本目标,着眼二十一世纪国防和军队现代化建设的需要,建立具有中国特色的军队院校教育体制。

    With the basic objective of training new high-quality military personnel , and bearing in mind the needs of defense and armed forces modernization in the21st century , the PLA has set up an institutional education system with Chinese characteristics .

  17. 军校研究生教育作为军队高等教育的最高层次,担负着为我军培养能打仗、打胜仗的高素质新型军事人才的重任。

    Graduate education in the military academy , as the highest level of military higher education , bears the profound responsibility to produce high-quality new type military personnel for our army who are " competent to fight and fight to win " .

  18. 军校是培养军队人才的主渠道,军校大学生是高素质新型军事人才的后备军,人才是制胜之本,也是兴军之本。

    Military academies are the main channel of training military talent . Students of military academy are the reserve forces of " the new high-quality military talent " . Talent is the foundation of victory and also the basis of army development .

  19. 军队院校是培养德、智、军、体全面发展的新型军事人才的摇篮,在迎接世界新军事变革的挑战中起着至关重要的作用。

    Military institutional education is the cradle for cultivating fully developed morally , intellectually , militarily and physically new military talented person , it has become the core and key in facing the Revolution in Military Affairs ( RMA ) of the world .

  20. 积极探索和构建具有我军特色、可持续发展的现代远程教育体系,是满足军队各类人员不断更新知识与能力结构,培养大批高素质新型军事人才,确保我军实现跨越式发展的战略举措。

    To approach the modem long distance education system with our military features is one of the tactics to cultivate new qualified personnel who have good ability to replace their knowledge and ability constructions in order for our military forces to take a step forward .

  21. 把教育训练摆到战略位置,深入开展科技练兵,加强军队院校建设,培养大批高素质新型军事人才。

    It should attach strategic importance to education and training , carry on intensive science - and technology-related military training and strengthen the building of military academies and schools so as to bring up a large number of high-quality military personnel of a new type .

  22. 高原军事医学专业是为我军培养适应在高原地区未来高技术条件下局部战争需要的新型军事医学人才设立的特殊专业。

    High altitude military medicine speciality is a special speciality to train new-type military medical talents for the highland future high-tech partial war .

  23. 在着眼打赢,加强军事斗争准备的新形势下,围绕培养新型军事医学人才,对军事医学课程结构体系进行完善就成为当务之急。

    It is urgent to improve the military medicine curriculum structure system under the new situation of enhancing military preparation and for the purpose of winning .

  24. 加速培养一大批新型高素质军事医学人才是当前军事斗争准备的需要,军队高等医学院校教学质量高低是完成这一光荣使命的关键。

    It is necessary for the preparation of present military missions to accelerate the cultivation of new type military medical talents with high quality .