
fēi fǎ jīnɡ yínɡ
  • illegal operation
  1. 论非法经营同类营业罪的构成及立法完善

    Construction of Crimes of Illegal Operation of Similar business and Legislative Perfection

  2. 在我国古代和近代法律中,没有单独的非法经营罪罪名规定。

    In the ancient and modern laws in China , there is no single named crime as the illegal operation .

  3. 例如,信息产业部(ministryofinformationindustry)在7月份就突然对外资互联网公司的“非法经营”提出批评。

    In July , for example , the Ministry of information industry suddenly denounced " illegal operations " by foreign-invested Internet companies .

  4. 关于非法经营罪的认定与处罚

    The Determination and the Penalization of crime of Illegal Business Operation

  5. 为何要分析非法经营口袋罪?

    Why should analyze the pockets of crime ," illegal business "?

  6. 非法经营罪疑难问题研究

    Study of the Doubtful Question about the Crime of Illegal Business Operation

  7. 非法经营罪调控范围的再思考&以《行政许可法》若干条款为基准

    A Reconsideration on the Regulating Scope of Illegal Business Crime

  8. 非法经营罪是1997年刑法修订时设立的罪名。

    The crime of illicit trade is set in 1997 .

  9. 非法经营罪研究述评

    Commentary on Study in g the Crime of Illegal Bus in ess Operations

  10. 非法经营同类营业罪研究

    Research on Crime of Illegally Managing the Same Business

  11. (三)其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为。

    Other illegal operations that seriously disrupt market order .

  12. 市长发誓关闭所有的非法经营的酒店。

    The mayor pledged himself to close all speakeasies .

  13. 禁止一切非法经营活动。

    Any illegal marketing activities shall be forbidden .

  14. 超出登记机关核准登记的经营范围从事非法经营的;

    Conducting illegal operations beyond the range approved and registered by the registration authority ;

  15. 全文分4个部分:第一部分:非法经营的基本理论。

    Full text points four parts . Part ⅰ: The basic theory of illegal business .

  16. 非法经营罪是从1979年的刑法中投机倒把罪演变而来。

    Crime of illegal business is from the 1979 criminal law crime of speculation evolved .

  17. 论非法经营罪

    Study on the illegal managing crime

  18. 从事非法经营活动的。

    Engaging in illegal business operations .

  19. 论竞业禁止与非法经营同类营业罪

    Discussion on the System of Forbidding of Competing Business and Illegal Operating of Kindred Business Crime

  20. 据了解,孙某此前曾因非法经营赌博电玩被警方查处过。

    It is understood that Sohn had Zengyin illegal gambling investigation by the police over video games .

  21. 侵犯著作权罪与非法经营罪在司法实践中都属财产型犯罪。

    Crime of copyright infringement and illegal business practice , are considered judicial type of property crime .

  22. 非法经营中的非法,主要是指违反法律、行政法规有关经营主体必须经过批准、获取经营许可证或批准文件才能经营的规定,即未经批准擅自经营。

    " illegal " refers mainly to violating law , administration rules and taking an unauthorized business .

  23. 还有一些因特网药店是非法经营,出售药物时无需处方,并使用未经批准或假冒产品。

    Other Internet pharmacies operate illegally , selling medications without prescriptions and using unapproved or counterfeit products .

  24. 文章认为,销售侵权复制品罪和非法经营罪之间不存在法条竞合的关系。

    There is no overlap of articles between crime of sell pirated goods and illegal business operations .

  25. 对个案非法经营罪的思考

    Crime of illegal think

  26. 我国的非法经营罪是从投机倒把罪发展演变而来的,而学界对于非法经营罪到底是怎样的罪名莫衷一是。

    The crime of illegal business in China is evolved from the development of the crime of speculation .

  27. 非法经营罪来源于79年刑法的投机倒把罪。

    The Crime of Illegal Business is from the Crime of speculation in the Criminal Law of 1979 .

  28. 分析了非法经营的司法认定。主要是与正当经营行为及一般违法经营行为的区别。

    Analyzed the illegal business for judicial cognizance , And legitimate business behavior and generally illegal business behavior distinction .

  29. 非法经营罪堵漏条款的合理认定&以堵截构成要件为标准的分析

    Reasonable Identification of the Preventing Article of Illegal Business Operation Crime & Analysis on the standard constitution factors preventing article

  30. 最后,本文提炼出非法经营罪应有之内涵,并给出完善该罪的具体建议。

    At last , the author proposed on how to perfect the definition of the crime of illegal business operations .