
  1. 山西面食文化的成因、特点及饮食习俗

    Forming Factor , Characteristic and Diet Custom of Diet Culture in Shanxi

  2. 山西面食文化与面塑艺术

    Shanxi 's Pasta Culture and Dough Sculpture

  3. 山西面食在开发中存在着品种单一、宣传力度不够、开发力度不够等问题。

    The Shanxi wheaten food has the variety in the development to be unitary , propaganda dynamics is insufficient , development dynamics insufficient and so on questions .

  4. 山西面食用料多样,有小麦粉、高粱面、豆面、乔面等;品种繁多,有刀削面、猫耳朵、推窝窝等。面食融入了山西人对生活简单而丰富的理解。

    Take Shanxi Province as an example , the flour food is made of many kinds of material including wheat flour , sorghum flour and bean flour etc.

  5. 本文试对这些特徵给予挖掘和阐释,以使山西面食文化内涵能更多地为世人解。

    Try on excavating and explain these characteristic in this text , so that the diet culture intension in the Shanxi can be understood for common people more deeply .

  6. 尤其是山西面食经过历史的传承演变,在取材、做法、口味、品类、成因、食俗、营养价值等方面体现出显著的地域文化特色,形成别具一格的山西面食文化。

    Especially the Shanxi pasta food , through a long-term inheritance and evolution , had constructed a very local culture in its materials , practices , preferences , category , causes , eating customs and nutritional value .

  7. 此外,山西面食文化也体现了与养生、族群性格的密切关系,充分发挥民俗生活的载体作用,同时还是山西饮食艺术的精华。

    In addition , the Shanxi Pasta culture also reflects the close relationship between health and ethnic character . It full plays the role of the carrier of the folk life , and also is the essence of Shanxi art of diet .

  8. 总的来看,山西面食文化为丰富中国饮食文化史、推动饮食文明的进步,促进中国饮食文化圈的形成做出积极的贡献,其历史文化遗产价值值得珍视。

    Overall , the Shanxi pasta culture makes a positive contribution to the culture history of Chinese food , to promote the acceleration of the food culture and the establishment of the Chinese food cultural circle . Its historical and cultural heritage values should be cherished .

  9. “世界面食在中国,中国面食在山西”是对山西面食的高度评价。

    " the world wheaten food in China , the Chinese wheaten food in Shanxi " is to the Shanxi wheaten food strong approval .