
  1. 不动产善意取得研究&兼论房屋善意取得

    A Study of Goodwill Obtaining of Real Estate

  2. 第二部分讨论不动产善意取得制度。

    The second part discusses the system of acquisition of real property in good faith .

  3. 国外不动产善意取得法制的考察法律职业主义

    On foreign legal system of the good faith acquisition of immovables On the Legal Professionalism

  4. 同时,本文还就不动产善意取得制度的法律效果一一进行了阐述。

    Simultaneously , it discusses the legal effects of the bona fide acquisition of real property .

  5. 不动产善意取得必需满足一定的构成要件才可适用。

    Only be satisfied certain factors , the Bona Fide Acquisition of Real Estate could be applied .

  6. 其次,阐述了不动产善意取得制度的理论基础和现实意义。

    Next , elaborated the real estate good intentions obtain the system the rationale and the practical significance .

  7. 其次,论述不动产善意取得的性质属于原始取得。

    Secondly , the nature of good-faith acquisition of immovable property belongs to the original acquisition is discussed .

  8. 善意取得制度一般分为动产善意取得和不动产善意取得。

    Innocent is generally divided into movable and immovable property acquired in good faith acquired in good faith .

  9. 论不动产善意取得制度&兼评《物权法》第106条

    On the System of Acquiring Real Estate in Good Faith & Also Comment on Provision 106 of Property Law

  10. 再次,分析了不动产善意取得制度建立的现实需要。

    Thirdly , the needs from reality for establishing the system of good-faith acquisition of immovable property are analyzed .

  11. 不动产善意取得的性质为继受取得,它为有效解决不动产善意取得物上原有负担问题提供了合理解释。

    Estate bona-fide possession is derivative acquisition , which is good for reasonably resolving the inhere burden of bona-fide acquisition .

  12. 对于不动产善意取得制度的设立,各国的立法态度迥异,而我国对此更是聚讼纷纭。

    An Analysis of the Shortcomings and Perfection of the Bona Fide Acquisition System in the Property Law of China ;

  13. 最后对不动产善意取得制度的立法完善提出了几点建议。

    Finally , this paper put forward several suggestions on the legislation of the system of bona fide acquisition of real estate .

  14. 本文正文共分为五个部分:第一部分不动产善意取得制度的渊源和立法例概述。

    There are five parts . Firstly , the origin of the Bona Fide Acquisition of Real Estate and the summarization of legislations .

  15. 通过探讨不动产善意取得的否定说与肯定说,认为善意取得应适用于不动产。

    By studying the affirmative and negative opinions on goodwill obtaining , this paper holds that it can be applied to real estate .

  16. 不动产善意取得制度的适用前提是登记簿上的权利事项存在错误。

    Immovable property acquired in good faith application of the system the premise that rights issues there is an error in the register .

  17. 第一节首先介绍了不动产善意取得制度中的一个重要问题,就是善意的界定。

    Section one discusses how to define good faith which is one of the most important structure conditions of acquisition in good faith .

  18. 同时,笔者对我国关于善意取得的立法现状作了简单描述,并介绍了几个立法草案(建议稿)对不动产善意取得的规定。

    Meanwhile , the author introduces briefly China 's existing legislation and the bill of law on the Bona Fide Acquisition of Reality .

  19. 案例表明适用不动产善意取得可能会危害到不动产原所有人的利益。

    Cases show that the acquisition of the property in good faith may danger the benefit of the original owner of the property .

  20. 由此可见,在我国物权法上建立不动产善意取得制度确实有其充分的国外法基础。

    Obviously , there is enough foreign legal system basis of establishing good faith acquisition of immovables in the Property Rights Law in China .

  21. 评析我国的不动产善意取得制度及在司法实践中的具体适用

    Analysis of China 's Establishing System of the Bona Fide Acquisition of Real Estate and the Specific Application of the Practice in the Judicial System

  22. 不动产善意取得制度的确立,是我国物权立法的一大创举。

    The establishment of the system of real estate acquired in good faith is a major undertaking in the legislation of property rights in China .

  23. 目前学术界对此有肯定说和否定说两种观点,但主流观点对不动产善意取得是持否定态度的。

    At present , there are two academic opinions to this point : Positive Theory and Negative Theory , and the mainstream is the latter .

  24. 第三章主要分析了我国物权法不动产善意取得的构成要件及法律效果。

    In Part-3 , the key components and legal effects of good-faith acquisition of immovable property in the Property Law of our country are analyzed .

  25. 不动产善意取得的理论依据是不动产登记公信力,它是根据物权公信原则得出的结论。赋予登记以公信力的主要作用,一是明确权利归属,二是保障交易安全。

    The public credibility of estate register is the theory basis of estate bona-fide possession system , and it is the conclusion of public credibility principle .

  26. 这涉及到不动产善意取得制度、家事代理权以及居住权和交易安全的冲突问题。

    This involves real estate and obtains the system , family matters attorneyship and inhabits the conflict question with safe right and trade with good intention .

  27. 第四章旨在探索能与不动产善意取得制度紧密契合的配套制度,完善不动产的登记程序。

    The fourth chapter intends to explore compatible regulations with the bona fide acquisition system and to refine the procedures of registration of the real property .

  28. 至于不动产善意取得人有偿取得不动产的价格是否合理的判断应采客观标准。

    As to whether the reasonable judgment of the real property acquired in good faith paid the price of acquiring real estate should adopt objective criteria .

  29. 相对公信力不管从构成要件还是适用结果上看,都与不动产善意取得的构造思路相同。

    Relative credibility are constructed of real estate acquired in good faith , when considering the elements and the results of the application of the rules .

  30. 本文着重对不动产善意取得构成要件及无权处分转让合同效力等问题进行了分析。

    The thesis mainly analysed the explication of the components of procuring immovable property in good faith , unauthorized disposition of validity of transfer contract and other issues .