
  1. 三是推行公路特许经营制度,发展特许经营公司;

    Using the " Road Concession System " and establishing the concession companies for toll road construction ;

  2. 因此,在当前情况下,开展公路特许经营专项法律研究十分必要。

    Thus , in current circumstances , a special franchise to carry out road legal research is necessary .

  3. 在收费公路特许经营谈判过程中,通行费价格的确定和调整是核心问题之一。

    During the concession negotiation of toll road , one of the core problems is tariff determining and regulating .

  4. 同时对公路特许经营的配套机制做了一定的研究,并提出一些进一步完善的设想。

    Does certain research of the related mechanism of highway concession operation at the same time , puts forward some imaginations perfected further .

  5. 第一章简要介绍了公路特许经营、公路特许经营权、公路特许经营协议的概念、法律性质和它们之间的逻辑关系,并就公路特许经营基本模式进行了分析。

    Chapter One elaborates on definitions of highway 's franchise operation and franchise rights , outlining the legal relations in highway 's franchise operation .

  6. 公路特许经营制度作为项目融资方式的先导,成为依照《行政许可法》改革公路管理体制的突破口。

    Highway concession operation system as the guide in financing way of project , becomes the breach which reforms the management system of the highway under " The Administrative License Law " .

  7. 然而,由于现行法律制度不完善、操作过程不规范、投资环境不理想,公路特许经营在实践中遇到了许多意想不到的困难与问题,阻碍了公路特许经营的健康发展。

    Nonetheless , out of the defects of the current legal system and those of operating process , and the imperfection of investment environment , the exploration has encountered a mountain of unexpected difficulties .

  8. 作为公共服务市场化的重要内容,收费公路引入特许经营机制的目的在于以私补公,充分发挥私人部门力量在公共服务提供中的作用。

    As the important ingredient of public service 's marketization , the objective of the toll roads ' franchise operation lies in that the private sector should play a vital role in the provision of public service .

  9. 在对公路项目的社会成本效益、公路交通的外部性、公路项目使用收费标准的制定等问题进行重点研究分析的基础上,对公路BOT模式及特许经营问题可能带来的负面效应进行了研究;

    Thirdly , depends on the research of a highway item 's social cost-benefit , traffic externalities and charge standards , the negative influence existing in highway BOT model or concessionary management was studied .