
dòng jī
  • motive;motivation;intention;cause
动机 [dòng jī]
  • [motive;intention] 促使人从事某种活动的念头

动机[dòng jī]
  1. 警方已排除这起谋杀案中的偷窃动机。

    The police have excluded theft as a motive for the murder .

  2. 这起谋杀案看不出有什么动机。

    There seemed to be no motive for the murder .

  3. 所有研究计划书均须详述研究动机。

    All research proposals must be accompanied by a full motivation .

  4. 大多数人说赚取报酬是他们工作的主要动机。

    Most people said that pay was their main motivation for working .

  5. 这件事使人怀疑她有何动机,以及她是否可靠。

    The incident cast doubt on her motives and reliability .

  6. 她主动要帮忙,我怀疑她的动机。

    I suspected her motives in offering to help .

  7. 这种突然转变背后的动机是什么?

    What is the motivation behind this sudden change ?

  8. 她帮忙的动机令人生疑。

    Her motives for helping are questionable .

  9. 我怀疑他的动机。

    I was suspicious of his motives .

  10. 我怀疑他的动机。

    I 'm suspicious of his motives .

  11. 我完全理解你的动机。

    I fully understand your motives .

  12. 他们的动机仍然是个谜。

    Their motives remain a mystery .

  13. 他的行为动机卑鄙。

    He acted from base motives .

  14. 他努力了解这个年轻人的动机,但就是弄不清楚。

    He tried to get a fix on the young man 's motives , but he just couldn 't understand him .

  15. 谁会有杀她的动机呢?

    Who would have a reason to want to kill her ?

  16. 她有一种洞察他人动机的天赋。

    She has a natural ability to understand the motives of others

  17. 人们想仔细分析他的作品,并对他的动机提出质疑。

    People want to dissect his work and question his motives .

  18. 部长的来信怀疑我的诚实,质疑我的动机。

    The Secretary 's letter questions my veracity and impugns my motives

  19. 执行死刑的动机是要灌输恐惧。

    The motive of the executions would be to instil fear .

  20. 该制度动机虽好,却易遭滥用。

    The system , though well-meaning , is open to abuse

  21. 关于这项决策的背后动机,他觉得难以启齿。

    He is embarrassed about the motives behind his decision .

  22. 他有很多杀伊冯娜的动机。

    He had many motives for wanting to knock off Yvonne

  23. 将会出现迫切地想要进入谈判阶段的强烈动机。

    There will be a strong incentive to enter into a process of negotiation

  24. 袭击发生的时间及其动机尚不清楚。

    The timing of the attack , and its motivations , are unknown .

  25. 该书分析了女性杀人的动机以及法律对此是如何规定的。

    The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them .

  26. 金融市场对政府的动机存有偏见。

    The financial markets are taking a jaundiced view of the Government 's motives

  27. 盈利动机天生就与公平和公正的原则相抵触。

    The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity .

  28. 杀人动机不明。

    The motive for the killing is unknown .

  29. 他隐瞒自己真实动机的手段十分高明。

    His concealment of his true motives was masterly

  30. 吸引人们到社会福利部门工作的动机各不相同。

    The motives that attract people to work within a social service are variable .