
dònɡ chǎn zhì yā
  • see also动产抵押
  1. GMG物流公司动产质押业务的风险评价研究

    Risk Evaluation for the Warehouse Receipt Loan Business of GMG Logistics Company

  2. 动产质押的实现及消灭。第三部分为权利质押问题研究,论述了权利质押的意义、权利质押的设定、权利质押的效力、权利质押的实现。

    The 3rd part is about the problem on pledge of right .

  3. 物流企业参与下的动产质押融资

    The Role of the Logistics Companies in the Chattel Mortgage

  4. 同时,本论文也给出了发展动产质押担保物流金融服务的若干建议。

    At the same time , this paper also propose some suggestions about developing pledge of movable and collateral Logistics-financial service .

  5. 运作的主要模式有保兑仓融资模式、应收账款融资模式、动产质押融资模式等。

    The main mode consists of the Guarantees cashing in financing warehouse , the financing model receivable accounts , and the Chattel Mortgage mode .

  6. 本文运用历史分析和比较法学的研究方法,对动产质押、权利质押、营业质权等进行了较细致的分析与探讨。

    The Article is based on the research method of history and comparative law , Which makes a comprehensive and profound analysis on pledge .

  7. 作为权利质押质一种的股权质押,其既有别于动产质押的特点,又有区别于其他权利质权的法律特征。

    As one kinds of pledge of rights , shareholding pledge has its own legal characteristics by which it differs from the pledge of movable property and pledge of rights .

  8. 从我国目前的经济环境和法律环境情况看,在本文进行实证研究的地区(宁波临港区域)开展物流金融协同下的仓储管理重点是在动产质押方面。

    Based on the current economic and legal environment in China , the focal point of the warehousing management lies in the chattel mortgage in the empirical research of Ningbo port area .

  9. 由于本研究具有可扩展性并借鉴了一般的动产质押担保贷款的研究思路和成果,将其运用到动态质押这一物流金融新研究领域。

    Because of extensibility and drawing on research ideas and results of a general pledge of movable and collateral loan , this research applies it to a new logistics-financial area & dynamic pledge .

  10. 重点阐述了著作权质押的概念和特征、著作权质押的性质、著作权质押的意义和著作权质押与动产质押之比较。

    Elaborate for emphasis the concept and features of the copyright pledge , the nature of the copyright pledge , the significance of the copyright pledge and the comparison of copyrights pledge and movable estate pledge .

  11. 另外与应收账款质权相对应的应收账款质押制度虽然可以借鉴动产质押和其他权利质押的规定,但其特殊性又决定了在法律规则上会有所不同。

    Besides , although the pledge of accounts receivable system , opposed to the right of accounts receivable pledge , can learn from the chattel mortgage and other provisions of the pledge of rights , its particularity determines the difference on legal rules .

  12. 不动产收益权质押贷款研究

    A Study of Hypothecate Loan of Usufruct from Immovable Properties

  13. 第三章有选择性和针对性地探讨了三种主要的非典型权利质押类型的实践操作问题:普通债权质押、不动产收益权质押、经营权质押如何设定和实行。

    The following chapter explores operation of three type of major pledge of atypical rights selectively and pointedly . The problems are to how to create and fulfill the pledge of rights of general creditors ' rights , rights of immovable property gains and management rights .

  14. 股权不同于一般动产,所以,股权质押作为一种担保方式,也不同于一般动产质押,而具有自己的法律特征。

    As a kind of security , the pledge of share right is different from that of movables and has its own legal characteristics .

  15. 股权质押作为一种权利质押担保方式,相对于不动产抵押和动产质押等担保方式来说,有其独特的优越性。

    As a way of pledge of obligation , the pledge of shares has unique advantages which the real estate mortgage and the chattel mortgage is short of .

  16. 在传统民法中,约定担保物权在不动产方面有抵押制度,在动产方面则有质押制度。

    In the tradition of civil law , the agreed security interests can be divided into the collateral system of the real estate and the pledge of movable property .

  17. 重点就中外动产担保制度、中小企业动产抵押和动产质押中的常见的法律问题展开系统探索与研究。

    The focus is on domestic and foreign chattel mortgage mechanism , SME chattel mortgage and the law problems exist in chattel mortgage under which to open mechanical investigation and research .

  18. 我国动产抵押制度起步较晚,同时受大陆法系动产质押制度的影响,不仅在制度规定还是在实践应用上已经远远满足不了转型后的市场经济发展。

    Chattel mortgage system got a late start in China as well as by the impact of the civil law system of chattel mortgage , not only in the formulation of the provisions or application in practice has been nowhere near meeting the post-transition market economy .

  19. 这种融资业务模式主要是通过物流企业参与整个融资过程,并且提供对动产的监管与担保,从而打破了以不动产质押的传统融资模式,使得借款企业,物流企业与银行达到共同获益。

    This type of financing means that the logistics companies participate the whole process of financing and provide the regulatory and guarantee to movable property , breaking the traditional model of financing which pledging the immovable property . The borrowers , logistics companies and the banks will all get benefits .

  20. 动产抵押制度的诞生改变了不动产抵押、动产质押一统物之交换价值利用的方式的格局。

    The birth of chattel mortgage system has changed the situation that real estate mortgage and pledge of movables rank first in the system of security interest .