
fú hé
  • convergence
辐合[fú hé]
  1. 经向水汽输送主要有利于20~30°N之间华南地区的水汽辐合。

    Meridional transport is favorable to moisture convergence over South China between 200N and 300N .

  2. 30°E以西非洲热带辐合带位置异常分析

    Analysis of Unusual Situation of Africa Tropical Convergence Zone to Latitude 30 Degrees West

  3. 非地转湿Q矢量流场辐合中心和宁夏北部强降水中心有很好的对应关系;

    The region of heavy snow-storm has a good relation with Q divergence center or line .

  4. 分析表明Q矢量散度场多呈条块状的辐合、辐散区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。

    Q vector divergence field submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .

  5. 结果表明:湿Q矢量散度辐合场随高度向北倾斜;

    The results are as follows : the convergence field of wet Q-vector divergence tilts northwards with height ;

  6. 模式基本模拟出了ISO低层辐合、高层辐散的水平风场特征。

    This model basically simulates horizontal structure of the wind of ISO with convergence in lower air and divergence in upper air .

  7. 我国全年潜热辐合量零值线大致沿纬度32~34°N,潜热源、汇的分布与我国降水量的分布特征很一致。

    The zero line of the whole year latent heat convergence runs roughly along 32 & 34 ° N. The distribution of latent heat sinks and sources coincides well with that of precipitation in China .

  8. 沿增强了的西太平洋副高西北侧的偏西南气流在30°N以北辐合,增强了局地的上升运动,为暴雨的产生创造了大尺度的背景流场;

    The convergence of the southwesterly to the north of 30 ° N along the northwest of the WPSA strengthens the local ascending motion , which provides a large-scale background favorable for the torrential rain .

  9. OLR低值中心存在于辐合带中热带低压易发展;

    Tropical depression would easily develop into tropical storm when OLR low center embedded in ITCZ .

  10. 暴雨区低层有较大的正螺旋度和非地转Q矢量辐合,说明暴雨区有中尺度和大尺度上升运动相叠加。

    The strong positive helicity and the intensive convergence of Q vectors at the low level in the raining area indicate that there was superposition of mesoscale and synoptic-scale ascending motions .

  11. 高能高湿的不稳定能量、低层辐合、强的垂直风切变的存在,利于强对流形成并诱发中尺度对流系统MCS;

    The favorable environment condition of developing MCS is formed in instability of high energy and high wet , heavy vertical wind shear ;

  12. 与降水对应的Q矢量的辐合场基本位于槽前及气旋的中、前方,这对台站实际业务预报工作有参考价值。

    The QV VCF corresponding to precipitation lies basically in front of a trough and in the middle or rear of a cyclone , which can act as a reference tool to operational job .

  13. 暴雨的形成与地面流场上中尺度辐合系统、卫星云图上中β尺度对流系统(MβCSs)等密切相关。

    The rainstorm forming is closely related to the mesoscale convergence system in surface stream field and meso - β - scale convective system in satellite cloud picture .

  14. 当WENDY低压北上与西风带系统相接、叠加时,高层辐散、低层辐合的良好环境使WENDY环流内的对流云团进一步加强发展。

    When WENDY connected with westerly system , good environment of higher level divergence and lower level convergence strengthened the development of convective cloud .

  15. 在1982/1983ENSO过程中暖池和赤道辐合带相互作用对大气表面风的影响

    Influence of interaction between the shift of warm pool and that of equatorial convergence zones on atmospheric surface winds fields during 1982 / 1983 ENSO

  16. Q矢量诊断表明,Q矢量散度在福建沿海NE-SW向的垂直剖面图上呈条块状辐散、辐合区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。

    Q vector divergence field on vertical section plane along NE-SW direction on Fujian coast submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .

  17. 从湿Q矢量散度辐合场这个角度探讨了梅雨锋暴雨的内在机理,并给出了梅雨锋暴雨具体预报的新思路。

    Based on the convergence field of wet Q-vector divergence , the intrinsic mechanism of Meiyu front heavy rain is discussed , and a new thinking for the forecast of Meiyu front heavy rain is given .

  18. 中低层Q矢量的辐合和大暴雨的发生有着很好的对应关系,非热低压引起的大暴雨位于Q矢量辐合中心区附近,或者辐合中心区南&西南方。

    The convergence of Q-vectors and rainstorms are well homologous , the center of rainstorm caused by non-thermal depression situated in the convergence center of Q-vectors or south to southwestern of the convergence center of Q-vectors .

  19. 结果表明,非地转湿Q矢量能比较清楚地揭示台风暴雨的演变过程,非地转湿Q矢量的散度负值区和流场辐合区与未来12小时的强降水落区有较好的对应关系;

    It is found that the negative area of the divergence and convergence zones of stream field of Ageostrophic Wet Q-vector at 850 hPa is correlated well to heavy rain area in the next 12 hours .

  20. 摩擦项所产生的辐合上升运动在眼区,强度较弱,类似于Ekman抽吸作用。

    The weak convergence upward motion of the friction term is located in the eye , which behaves like Ekman pumping .

  21. 分析MCS在MCC西南方向传播的原因表明,两条辐合线的移动方向和速度决定了暴雨MCS的传播方向。

    Analysis of causes as to why MCS propagates to the southwest of MCC indicates the propagation direction depends on the direction and velocity of the two convergences .

  22. 文中研究了耦合海-气环流模式中的双热带辐合带(DoubleITCZ)现象,并对这一现象的成因从海洋热量收支的角度进行了初步分析。

    The Double ITCZ phenomenon in a coupled ocean - atmosphere general circulation model ( CGCM ) is studied in this paper and primary analyses of the phenomenon are given from ocean heat budget .

  23. 高、低空急流和低层辐合流场对MCC的生成和发展具有重要的作用。

    The conver gence stream field of the upper level jet stream and low level jet stream play an important part in the emergence and development of the MCC .

  24. 通过2米长的石英光纤光缆已能输出200W的激光光束,其辐合-传输效率达90%。

    200 watt output power and 90 % coupling-transmission efficiency are obtained by using the quartz fiber cable with 2m length .

  25. 首先是热带辐合带(ITCZ),南北半球的风在此交汇并爬升。

    First there is the IntertropicalConvergence Zone ( ITCZ ) this is where the winds of both the Northernand Southern hemisphere converge and rise .

  26. 在Dan发生发展的不同时期,由大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势表示的水汽通量输送和辐合也有明显的变化,表明水汽输送和辐合在Dan的发生发展及消亡过程中有一定作用。

    During different periods of Dan , there was great water vapor change as indicated by stream function , velocity potential and vapor budget , which showed the importance of water vapor in the development of typhoon Dan .

  27. 低层,摩擦耗散使LTC动能减少,但动能通量辐合可补充部分动能而减缓衰减。

    In lower layers , kinetic energy increases for LTC due to the convergence of kinetic energy flux that would compensate friction consuming partly .

  28. 本文运用90&180°E热带地区的多种月平均资料及恢平均资料,对1985年7月弱辐合带和8月强辐合带的热带大气环流特点作了分析。

    In this paper , characteristics of the tropical general circulation during the strong ITCZ period of August and weak ITCZ period of July , 1985 are studied by using some kinds of monthly mean and pentad mean data over the tropical area between 90 ° - 180 ° E.

  29. 由地面速度平流散度(F)分析得出,强雨团是与F>0的强中心趋于一致,也即是在辐合增强或维持最强的响水及其附近爆发。

    The analysis on the surface velocity advection divergence ( F ) shows that intense rain mass nearly accord with the severe center with F ≥ 0 , in other words , intense rain mass explodes in Xiangshui and its vicinities where convergence strengthens or intensively maintained .

  30. MCC在低空急流中心前方的风速梯度区中形成并发展;MCC形成阶段,中层出现暖中心并且气旋性涡度增大,辐合辐散运动随高度交替出现,量级相当,上升运动的层次较厚。

    The warm core occurs , the cyclone vorticity increases and the divergence alternates with height in the middle-level at the forming stage of MCC , and the levels of ascending motion are thick .