
  • 网络Tympanic part;tympanic portion;Pars tympanica
  1. 外耳道重度发育不良21耳(21/81),表现为鼓部为一骨块,未形成管形外耳道结构;

    Severe dysplasia of external auditory canal was seen in 21 ears , in which the tympanic part showed bony mass instead of U-shaped structure .

  2. 目的分析84耳外耳道畸形的高分辨率CT(HRCT)表现,探讨颞骨鼓部发育畸形与外耳道畸形的关系。

    Objective To analyze HRCT findings of external auditory canal deformity , and to discuss the relationship between the external auditory canal deformity and the dysplasia of tympanic part of temporal bone .

  3. 颞骨鼓部发育不良所致外耳道畸形的CT分析

    CT Analysis of External Auditory Canal Deformity due to Dysplasia of Tympanic Part of Temporal Bone

  4. 资料与方法临床诊断84耳外、中耳畸形患者均行HRCT检查,重点观察骨性外耳道鼓部发育的形态。

    Materials and Methods HRCT was performed in 84 ears with clinically diagnosed external and middle ear malformation .

  5. 骨性外耳道缺如40耳(40/81),表现为鼓部结构缺如。

    Aplasia of tympanic part with absence of bony external auditory canal was found in 40 ears .

  6. 结果骨性外耳道轻度发育不良20耳(20/81),表现为鼓部形成外耳道结构,但鼓部发育短小、骨性外耳道狭窄或走行异常;

    Results Mild dysplasia of external auditory canal was seen in 20 ears , in which the tympanic part was small and short with / without external auditory canal stenosis .

  7. 鼓索神经颞骨部的解剖及临床应用

    Anatomical Study and Clinic Application of Chorda Tympani Nerve

  8. 《夕阳箫鼓》是一部融合现代长笛特殊演奏技巧及特殊音乐手法的中国民族风格音乐作品。

    The structure and the specific use of a special musical skills make the music work have rich music connotation .

  9. 他和姜文谈论了《铁皮鼓》,这部电影影响了很多中国电影制作人,就像《阳光灿烂的日子》一样,男主角也是一个男孩。

    He and Mr. Jiang talked about The Tin Drum , which has influenced many Chinese filmmakers and which , like In the Heat of the Sun , has a boy protagonist .

  10. 右洞施工时,开挖面后方的中墙产生整体向左的偏转,墙身中部向左侧鼓出,基部右趾向上抬起。

    During the construction of the right tunnel , the mid-partition behind the excavating face deflects to the left as a whole , the middle part of the mid-partition bulges to the left and the right toe rises .

  11. 深井软岩巷道底鼓是常见的变形和破坏形式,如何有效、经济的控制底鼓是深部开采急需解决的问题。

    Floor heave is familiar distortion and damage form in deep soft rock roadway , how to control floor heave effectively and economically is an urgent problem .