
  • 网络Definition Item;Definition Term;definiens
  1. 填充规则TagLib库定义项

    Populate the rule TagLib library definition entry

  2. 被定义项即是带定义性描述的词或词组。

    Definienda are the words and phrases with definitional descriptions .

  3. 为每个可执行程序添加程序定义项

    Add a program definition entry for each executable program

  4. 在报表管理器中,使用“站点设置”页可定义项级角色定义。

    In report manager , use the site settings page to define item-level role definitions .

  5. 点浏览,找到刚刚修改完成的元数据文件,双击。其他的应用程序定义项都用默认值就好,点导入。

    Keep the default values for all other application definition settings , and then click Import .

  6. 控件中,可以定义项、所选项、交替项等项的模板,以便使这些元素中的每个元素都能具有自定义的外观。

    Control , you can define templates for items , selected items , alternating items , and so on , so that each of these elements can have a custom look .

  7. 如果没有指定VALUE子句,则表示没有定义该项的初始值。

    If a VALUE clause is not specified , the initial value of the item is undefined .

  8. 我们将定义一项Web服务功能,允许课程创建者自行创建课程。

    We will define a Web service function that will allow the course author to create the courses .

  9. 由web服务定义的项属性在“数据集”窗口中作为数据集的字段出现。

    Item properties defined by the web service appear as fields for the dataset in the datasets window .

  10. 任何人都可以定义数据项的类型并提交数据项到库(base)中,以产生一个结构化数据的库,以便GoogleSearch能够找到并适当地表示这些数据。

    Anyone can define item types and post items to base in order to provide a base of structured data , which might be found and appropriately presented by Google Search .

  11. 对于我的CMT,我选用一种更为宽松的定义依赖项的方法,即将此信息包含在Comments列中。

    For my CMT , I chose to take a looser approach to defining the dependencies by including this information in a Comments column .

  12. 定义foreach项集合中的项,包括列和列数据类型。

    Define the items in the foreach item collection , including columns and column data types .

  13. 在这种环境中,LLSD对象用来传递定义菜单项的XML文件中所指定的任何其他数据。

    In context , an LLSD object is used to pass in any additional data specified in the XML file defining a menu item .

  14. 分析结果表明,EMD方法依据信号自身的特性来定义趋势项,无需预先假定其类型,是一种提取信号趋势项的良好方法。

    The results show that the trend can be extracted directly from the measured signal using the EMD approach without any presumptions of the trend type . It is concluded that the EMD approach is a promising tool for signal trend extraction .

  15. 现在为您的查询定义菜单项和属性。

    Define the menu items and properties for your query now .

  16. 此菜单没有定义菜单项。

    No menu items have been defined for this menu .

  17. 每一项都使用您定义的项模板呈现。

    Each item is rendered using an item template that you define .

  18. 定义工作项窗体上的元素的显示方式。

    Defines how the elements on the work item form are displayed .

  19. 为定义数字项而建立一个统一,灵活的抽象表示和可互操作的模式。

    Establish a uniform and flexible abstraction and interoperable schema for defining digital items .

  20. 定义此项的访问属性。

    Defines the access attributes of this item .

  21. 单击“编辑项安全设置”可以更改定义当前项的安全性的方式。

    Click edit item security to change how security is defined for the current item .

  22. 我们将在示例服务客户机应用程序安装期间了解如何定义此项。

    You will see how to define this during the installation of the sample service client application .

  23. 在本节中,将使用菜单项编辑器来定义菜单项。

    In this section , you will define the menu items by using the menu item editor .

  24. “字段”列表,用于定义工作项类型的相关字段集合。

    A list of fields that defines the relevant set of fields for the work item type .

  25. 控件中定义数据项与该数据项绑定到的菜单项之间的关系。

    Defines the relationship between a data item and the menu item it is binding to in a menu control .

  26. 教皇方济各正试图从宗教和信仰角度重新定义一项通常只在科学层面上探求的世俗议题。

    Francis is seeking to redefine a secular topic one that is generally pursued on the level of science in terms of religion and faith .

  27. 您可以将它们移动,但是不管移到什么,您都可以看到一起信息说“没有定义工作项查询”。

    You can move it around , but wherever it is , you should see a message stating " No work item query defined " yet .

  28. 如定义工作项工作流程中所述,无论工作项的状态如何,您都可以使用字段规则来确定工作项类型的行为。

    As described in defining work item workflow , you can use field rules to determine work item type behavior regardless of the state of the work item .

  29. 如果未定义菜单项绑定的深度和数据成员,则菜单项绑定应用于菜单中的所有菜单项。

    If a menu item binding is defined without a depth and a data member , the menu item binding is applied to all menu items within the menu .

  30. 定义数据项和菜单项之间的关系时,必须同时指定绑定条件和要绑定到的数据项的属性。

    When defining the relationship between a data item and a menu item , you must specify both the criteria for binding and the property of a data item to bind to .