
shuānɡ zǐ xīnɡ
  • Gemini;binary
  1. 较近的一次应用是在一九六五年双子星六号和双子星七号两座太空船会合的时候。

    A more recent use was in the 1965 rendezvous of Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 .

  2. 这对双子星不到13分钟就能绕轨道转一周。

    The binary pairing completes an orbit in less than 13 minutes .

  3. 研究人员们意识到他们实际上是在观察一颗双子星系统。

    Researchers realized that they were actually seeing a binary star system .

  4. 双子星高塔在攻击后倒塌了。

    The twin towers collapsed after the attack .

  5. 这些双子星系可以在几十年的时间内消失,同时一些新的双子星系也经常被发现。

    These binaries can turn off for decades , and new ones are always being found .

  6. 见安迪-劳埃德的优秀网站,和双子星研究所的网站。

    See Andy Lloyd 's excellent website here , and the Binary Research Institute 's website here .

  7. 吉隆坡标志性的双子星塔主导了这座城市的天际线,但吉隆坡不是只有现代摩天大厦。

    The iconic Petronas Towers dominate Kuala Lumpur 's skyline , but the city isn 't all modern skyscrapers .

  8. 的那个星期天上午,斯基拉和斯塔福德再次在小六飞船双子星之上的泰坦火箭。

    On that Sunday morning , Schirra and Stafford were again in their tiny Gemini Six spacecraft atop the Titan rocket .

  9. 紧紧缠绕的白矮双子星同时也会发出引力波——那是在空间和时间结构上扩散开的波纹。

    The tightly wound white dwarf binary should also be radiating gravitational waves - ripples in the fabric of space and time .

  10. 而且现在也有关于西汉姆的阿根廷双子星--特维斯和马斯切拉诺即将离开的传言,蓝军主帅魔力鸟将有机会期待阿根廷双煞同时出现在切尔西的轮换阵容当中。

    There is also instant rumours about Tevez and Mascherano leaving hammers and Mourinho could see a chance to add both players to his Chelsea squad .

  11. 里皮丝毫没有掩饰对罗马双子星卡萨诺和托蒂的喜爱,而他们有可能在德国世界杯上取代皮耶罗的地位。

    Lippi hasn 't hidden his admiration for the Roma duo of Antonio Cassano and Francesco totti , players who could cost Del Piero his place in germany .

  12. 红军迫切需要签入新援来帮助双子星,而科莫利透露,美梦会在冬季转会成真。

    The Reds badly need some inspiration to help their two stars , Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres , and according to Comolli , things will happen in the next transfer window .

  13. 在征服了世界上最高的两栋建筑西尔斯大楼和双子星大楼之后,我想去爬地标金茂大厦。

    " After conquering two of the highest buildings in the world , The Sears and the Petronas Towers , I want to climb the landmark Jin Mao Tower ," he says .

  14. 如果想要在本赛季继续有所作为,我们需要这对双子星的全面发挥&托雷斯的连续进球和杰拉德在中场的调度和控制。

    If we are going to do well this season we need those two firing on all cylinders , we need Torres 's goals and Gerrard 's manipulation and control of the midfield .

  15. 这些种植园因为抢占了猩猩和其它当地野生动物的栖息地而受到诅咒,但绵延数里、单调青翠的原野和山丘有种扰人心神的美,让人想起双子星塔巨大的几何造型。

    The plantations are cursed for uprooting orangutan and other indigenous wildlife , but the monotonous verdant carpeting of plain and hill has a discomfiting beauty , reminiscent of the geometrical gigantism of the Petronas Towers .

  16. 我们不可能每场比赛都总是依赖双子星的表现。如果他们其中一人没有发挥或两人都不在状态,我们仍然要继续战斗而不是缴械投降。

    We can 't just rely on Fernando and Steven in every game because if ever one or two of them has a slightly lesser game we need to show we will not throw the towel in .

  17. 尤文现在表面上对这对双子星很热衷,希望能在六月份完成转会,然而红黑军团可能决定在这个月就开价将卡瓦尼带到圣西罗。

    Juve are seemingly keen on blocking the duo now , in order to finalise a transfer in June , whereas the Rossoneri might decide to make an immediate offer to bring Cavani to the San Siro this month .

  18. 哈基姆-奥拉朱旺和拉尔夫-桑普森分才处于他们职业生涯的第二年和第三年,初生牛犊不怕虎的双塔在1986年西部决赛中干净利落的将湖人斩于马下。这对双子星看上去就像是未来十年内联盟的霸主。

    Hakeem Olajuwon and Ralph Sampson , in their second and third years respectively , blitzed the Lakers in the 1986 Western Conference Finals . They looked like a duo who could rule the league for the next decade .