
  • 网络Ahn Jung-hwan;AHN Jung Hwan;Jung Hwan Ahn
  1. 安贞焕两年前由釜山联盟俱乐部转会到佩鲁贾队。

    Ahn joined Perugia from League club Pusan I.cons two years ago .

  2. 安贞焕自己曾考虑为市长运行中显示出他的喜爱,如果他确实进入了比赛的调查。

    Ahn himself had considered a run for mayor amid polls showing him to be the favorite if he had indeed entered the race .

  3. 26岁的安贞焕在点球大战前三分钟头球攻门打入一粒金球,结束了这场比赛。否则东道主韩国队将在点球大战中与三届世界冠军意大利一绝胜负。

    Ahn , 26 , nodded home a golden goal winner just three minutes before penalty kicks would have been needed to separate the co-hosts from three-time World champions Italy .

  4. 我拒绝给一个断送了意大利足球的球员发工资&佩鲁贾队主席卢西亚诺-高奇在他旗下的韩国前锋安贞焕把意大利队赶出世界杯之后如是说。

    I refuse to pay a salary to a player who has ruined Italian football ? AC Perugia president Luciano Gaucci after his club 's Korean Republic striker Ahn Jung-Hwan knocked Italy out of the World Cup .

  5. 那历史性的一击使安贞焕成为韩国数百万人心目中最受欢迎的球员,也断送了他在意甲佩鲁贾队的前程。佩鲁贾队的老板鲁西亚诺高齐称安是对“意大利尊严的侮辱”。

    While his historic strike will earn korea 's most popular player millions at home , ahn 's career with Serie a 's Perugia is over after club owner Luciano Gaucci called him " an affront to Italian pride " .