
xiù cai
  • scholar;xiucai;Xiucai, one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties;one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties
秀才 [xiù cái]
  • (1) [xiucai; one who passed the imperial examination at the county level in the Ming and Qing dynasties] 明清两代称生员

  • (2) [scholar] 泛指读书人

  • 传一乡秀才观之。--宋. 王安石《伤仲永》

秀才[xiù cai]
  1. 他是我们班里的秀才。

    He is the scholar in our class .

  2. 秀才一听到末一句话,就拔步走开了。

    Upon hearing the last sentence , the scholar walked away hurriedly .

  3. 张秀才在梁家住了一个月。

    Zhang stayed at the Liang 's for a month .

  4. 得到秀才资格,是进入士大夫阶层的最低门槛。

    Received scholar qualification is the minimum threshold to enter the literati class .

  5. 秀才不出门,便知天下事。

    Without going outdoors , a scholar knows all the world 's affairs .

  6. 秀才:我是谁?

    Lv : Who am I , then ?

  7. 秀才:(高兴)问题来了吧?

    Certified Students : The question has come ?

  8. 子孙先后出现几个秀才。

    Several of their descendants were scholars .

  9. 他是我们中的秀才。

    He is the scholar among us .

  10. 说顺听的吧,天津卫出秀才、出圣人。

    So let me start by saying something flattering . Tianjin produces scholars and sages .

  11. 到了唐朝初年,秀才是常科考试的一种。

    By the Tang dynasty , the scholar is often a kind of test subjects .

  12. 秀才一听,心灰意冷,回店收拾包袱准备回家。

    Agencies say , Heartbroken , the burden back to the shop up to go home .

  13. 隋朝开始开科取士,最初亦为取秀才。

    Sui Dynasty began to open branches to take disabilities , also taking the first scholar .

  14. 举个例子,有一个骰子的点数是4,就博得秀才并获得最小的月饼。

    For instance , one die of four pips wins you " Xiucai " and the smallest mooncake .

  15. 人民日报、国日报曾刊登武秀才&钟海明的文章,予以介绍。

    China daily and People Daily has published article about the Martial Art Talent – Zhong Hai Ming .

  16. 很多秀才在功名上未能更进一步,只能回乡以教书等方法为生。

    Many scholar failed to further the fame and only returned home to teach other methods for a living .

  17. 但后来“秀才科”被废,秀才一词一度变成了读书人的泛称。

    But then ," scholar Division " was abolished scholar once the term has become a reader 's Pan said .

  18. 古代学校是对取得庠生(俗称秀才)以上功名的士子进行教育的地方。

    Ancient schools are the place where Yang Sheng and intellectuals of the above rank of scholarly honor are educated .

  19. 秀才低着头,断断续续地仍然这样说:科技期刊编辑界有许多优秀人才。

    The scholar hung his head and said brokenly : There are many talents in the field of scientific journal .

  20. 这三个梦似乎有些深意,秀才第二天就赶紧去找算命的解梦。

    These three dreams some profound meanings , scholar second days hurriesinterpreting a dream as if which looks tells fortunes .

  21. 秀才却将他招待到席上,客人们互相私语着。

    The scholar , however , invited the skin-dealer to the table , where the guests sat whispering about him .

  22. 明、清时,秀才是经过院试,得到入学资格的“生员”的俗称。

    Ming and Qing , the scholar after hospital tests , to be admission of " health trainers " commonly known .

  23. 秀才:不,我刚才问的是“本我”,现在问的是“自我”!

    Certified Students : No , I asked was a moment ago " this I ", now asks is " oneself "!

  24. 秀才:(大喊)慢着!(姬无命停住)杀我可以,但得先说明白了,我到底是死在谁的手里?

    Certified Students : Stop ! You can kill me , But first said clearly , whose hand I 'm die in ?

  25. 饱读诗书,学富五车,在古代被人所尊敬且向往的秀才是你的前世。

    " Shishu " well-read , learning-rich were in ancient times by the distinguished scholar and aspire to is your past life .

  26. 关于孩子底名字,秀才是煞费苦心地想着,但总想不出一个相当的字来。

    As to the baby 's name , the scholar racked his brains , but just could not hit upon a suitable one .

  27. 最多会有一些熏鸭,不过张秀才注意到,他的朋友梁至清一点也不吃。

    At most there might be some dried duck , but Zhang noticed that his friend Liang Zhiqing never ate any of it .

  28. 秀才也觉得有道理,于是很高兴参加了考试,甚至高中了第三名。

    A scholar , but also makes sense , so excited to participate in the spirit of examination , even in a third overall .

  29. 有位秀才第三次进京赶考,住在一个经常住的店里。

    Have place Xiucai third time to go to the capital rushing firmly having a test in , within a store who often lives .

  30. 他整天地抓住了他底母亲,虽则秀才是比她还爱他,但不喜欢父亲;

    He always clung to her . Although the scholar loved him even more than his mother did , Qiu Bao did not take to him .