
pú sà xīn cháng
  • have a heart of gold;a great kind heart;kindhearted and merciful
菩萨心肠 [pú sà xīn cháng]
  • [kindhearted and merciful] 比喻心地仁慈

  • 吾弟以恩报仇,实是菩萨心肠。--《西湖佳话.放生善迹》

菩萨心肠[pú sà xīn cháng]
  1. 自从他来与我同住,我们之间便摩擦不断;相比之下,萨拉夫人倒显得一副菩萨心肠。

    Since he came to live with me , we have been subject to a campaign of spite and revenge which makes Lady Sarah appear angelic by comparison .

  2. 他们都是独一无二的有菩萨心肠的人。

    Both are incredibly unique people with big hearts .

  3. 也许她母亲已经打听过,发现那位德贝维尔夫人是一个极有德行和菩萨心肠的老太太。

    Her mother might have made inquiries , and have discovered that this Mrs d'Urberville was a lady of unequalled virtues and charity .

  4. 她的菩萨心肠总是怜悯那些食不果腹无家可归的儿童。促进消化不良、食积气滞、腹泻、腹胀的康复。

    Her kind heart yearned for the starving , homeless children . For indigestion , food retention and qi stagnation , diarrhea abdominal distension .