
qián yì shí
  • preconscious
  1. 解析为前意识的各种恐惧——

    The recurrent image into pre-conscious terrors -

  2. 个体知识观的发展大致经历了由前意识、萌芽到确立并走向定型的发展阶段。

    The development of knowledge view is based on knowledge accumulation and the growth of thinking ability .

  3. 悟感是一种前意识现象,其主要功能在于提供产生感悟的基础和激活思想。

    Human beings'comprehension is a phenomenon of pre-consciousness , with the main function of producing and stipulating ideas .

  4. 前意识无法立即意识到但能通过有意识的努力而唤起的记忆或情感。

    The memories or feelings that are not part of one 's immediate awareness but that can be recalled through conscious effort .

  5. 按照形成机制和深浅程度的不同,社会潜意识可区分为社会前意识、社会自觉潜意识与社会自发无意识三个基本层次。借此,可以进一步分析认知活动中意识、潜意识、无意识的关系。

    The social subconsciousness has been divided into social preconsciousness , social initiative consciousness and social spontaneous unconsciousness . This paper then makes a further analysis of relations between consciousness , subconsciousness and unconsciousness in the cognitive activities .

  6. 前意识无法立即意识到但能通过有意识的努力而唤起的记忆或情感无意识地向上收缩蹄子的反应,在踩你的脚之前。

    The memories or feelings that are not part of one 's immediate awareness but that can be recalled through conscious effort . The involuntary / instant reflex of curling one ' 's toes up - right before a horse steps on your foot .

  7. 作家黛安-弗林-基思几年前就意识到了这一问题,并创造了“车内教育”这个词,用以描述她利用接送孩子的车内时间进行“车内教育”的行为与理念。

    Author Diane Flynn Keith recognized the problem a few years ago and coined the phrase " car schooling1 " to describe activities and ideas she used to enhance the time she spent shuttling her children around .

  8. 我自己也是几个月前才意识到的。

    I didn 't myself until a few months ago .

  9. 市场营销者在多年前就意识到,品牌管理是一项团队运动。

    Marketers realised many years ago that brand management is a team sport .

  10. 他数星期来,有好几次在眩晕前,意识突然发生变化。

    He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks .

  11. 几年前我意识到我每次在逛沃尔玛的时候花了许多钱。

    Years ago I realized I spent hundreds of dollar each time I walked into WalMart .

  12. 结论对迟发血肿所致的脑膨出,术前应该意识到,并作好准备。

    Conclusion It should be awared to and prepare for the encephalocele caused by delayed hematoma before craniotomy .

  13. 但是两年前我们意识到一个问题,那就是旅客也可以通过这些信息获得好处。

    But one of the things we realized about two years ago is that customers would benefit from having that information .

  14. 人生真是转眼一瞬间的事情,很多人到临死前才意识到这一生已经结束。

    It happens so quickly , many people don 't even realize they had a life until it 's already over 。

  15. 皮查伊表示,谷歌在三四年前才意识到语音搜索的有效性,所以改变了发展战略。

    Pichai said Google sensed a shift in what it could do three to four years ago , performing more effective voice searches , and transitioned .

  16. 斯科贝克表示,通过在值机时使用手持式行李扫描仪,“我们可以获取所有的追踪数据。但是两年前我们意识到一个问题,那就是旅客也可以通过这些信息获得好处。”

    Through the use of hand-held baggage scanners used at passenger check-in , " we 've had all this tracking data available , " Skrbec said . But " one of the things we realized about two years ago is that customers would benefit from having that information . "

  17. 我不久前开始意识到,由于公司的组织结构所致,每天我都得处理大量产品决策的问题,而他可以在其中帮上很大忙,这可以把我解放出来,我就能做更多事情了。

    And I just started to realize that a lot of the stuff that came to me because of our organizational structure around some of the product decision-making that happens day-to-day , he could do a tremendous job of , and that would free me up then to do more things .

  18. 和IBM一样,惠普早在多年前就已经意识到,作为科技巨头,未来的发展不仅仅在于向企业出售大型机,更重要的是参与管理客户日益复杂的硬件设备和种类繁多的技术。

    Like IBM , HP saw years ago that the future of big tech was not in selling big computers to companies , but in taking on the increasingly complex tasks of managing them and all the antecedent technologies .

  19. 单因素分析:术前MAP、意识状态分级、GCS值、血肿形态、出血部位、血肿量、血肿是否破入脑室、血肿是否复发、及术后并发症等有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Univariate analysis results : MAP , GCS , consciousness state grade , shape of hematoma , locations of hematoma , volume of hematoma , whether hematoma break into ventricle or not , hematoma recur , and complications post-operation had statistic significance ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 四年前,当意识到从那些在家接受教育的人身上损失了那么多的钱,并且当这些人重新入学时他们又是那么的毫无准备,梅萨便率先发起了Eagleridge项目。

    Mesa started Eagleridge four years ago , when it saw how much money it was losing from home-schoolers & and how unprepared some students were when they re-entered the schools .

  21. 不同民族护生实习前职业防护意识的调查与分析

    Investigation on occupational protection awareness in different races nursing students before clinical practice

  22. 四年前我没意识到这一点,但现在我意识到了。

    I didn 't realize that four years ago .

  23. 篇章意识与翻译教学学龄前儿童篇章意识和篇章能力形成和发展的初步探讨

    Textual Approach and Translation Teaching Development of Preschool Children 's Text-sense and Text-competence

  24. 她说道:三个月前,我们意识到她真的非常有天赋。

    ' We realised about three months ago she is actually really talented , ' she said .

  25. 但毕业前,她意识到自己的兴趣并非财会,而是家政。

    But before her graduation Shao realized that her interest is not in accounting , but in homemaking .

  26. 广义的思考是我们拥有的一种前自觉的意识类型,存在于有关的感觉意识中。

    Broad sense of thinking is the preconscious type of awareness that we have in sensational cognitively relevant sensations .

  27. 就在祖母来和我们同住前,大家意识中就有大难临头之感。

    There was a sense of impending doom in the air just before my grandmother came to stay with us .

  28. 采取的教学方案是:学习前要求学生意识到与物理学习效果有关的四个因素;

    It was carried out in the following steps : Pre-learning , show students the four factors affecting the Physics learning result ;

  29. 但只对试验班采取了两项措施:培训前的增强意识活动和对策略使用给予反馈。

    But two additional measures were taken only with the experimental class : awareness-raising activities before the instruction and providing feedback on their strategy use .

  30. 说明18月大的懂得了一个人性的奥秘,而当他们3个月前还没有意识到。

    these 18 month-olds had learned this deep , profound fact about human nature in the three months from when they were 15 months old .