
  • 网络Heat Xiehuo;clear heat and drain fire
  1. 清热泻火对E2、FSH和LH均无明显影响,解痉镇痛药虽可明显提高E2含量。

    Although the herbal drugs to relieve spasm and sedate pain could enhance E2 content obviously but did not have obvious function to FSH and LH .

  2. 的干燥根茎。是中国药典一部收载的临床常用重要中药,具有清热泻火的功能。

    It is an important clinical medicinal material embodied in Chinese Pharmacopoeia .

  3. 清热泻火为主治疗颈动脉粥样硬化疗效观察动态脉压与颈动脉粥样硬化的相关性

    Clinical Observation on Clearing Away Heat and Reducing Fire Treatment to Acute Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic

  4. 石膏及白虎汤清热泻火功效的实验研究

    Study on Effects of Clearing Away Heat and Purging Fire from Gypsum and Baihu Decoction

  5. 目的:观察清热泻火法对面部痤疮的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of facial acne treatment with the method of eliminating heat and purging fire .

  6. 结论:清热泻火法治疗面部痤疮疗效显著。

    Conclusion : It has significant therapeutic effect in patients with facial acne with the method of eliminating heat and purging fire .

  7. 清热泻火法治疗面部痤疮60例临床研究

    Clinical Study on the Treatment of Facial Acne in a Group of 60 Patients with the Method of Eliminating Heat and Purging Fire

  8. 解痉镇痛和清热泻火中药对吗啡成瘾大鼠脱毒效应的观察

    Observation of Detoxifying Effects of Herbal Drugs to Relieve Spasm and Sedate Pain and to Clear Away Heat and Expel Fire to Morphinistic Rats

  9. 清热泻火和解痉止痛中药对吗啡依赖性大鼠性激素和促性腺激素分泌的影响

    Influence of Herbal Drugs to Clear Away Heat , Expel Fire , Relieve Spasm and Sedate Pain On Secretion of Sexual Hormone and Gonadotropic Hormone in Morphine-Dependant Rats

  10. 水银∶活尸体内纯粹圣火的储存量。清热泻火为主治疗颈动脉粥样硬化疗效观察

    Azoth : Azoth is the amount of purified Pyros the Promethean has within him . Clinical Observation on Clearing Away Heat and Reducing Fire Treatment to Acute Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic

  11. 一目赤肿痛患者,予磺胺嘧啶眼药水滴眼的同时,口服清热泻火、祛风散邪之中药,无效;

    A woman with acute conjunctivitis was firstly treated by eye drops of sulfadiazine and oral herbs effective to clear heat and fire and disperse wind , but they did not work ;

  12. 目的:观察清热泻火法对高血压颈动脉粥样硬化的临床疗效,并探讨相关病机理论,为抗动脉粥样硬化、稳定斑块及卒中的一二级预防提供有益的中医防治思路。

    Objective : To observe the clinical effect of using heat-clearing fire - purging method in Hypertension carotid atherosclerosis and explore the pathogenesis to provide effective secondary prevention for stroke and treatment ideas for anti-atherosclerosis and plaque stability .

  13. 本项研究基于金银花具有良好的清热泻火解毒的传统功效,和较强的抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎等现代药理作用,拟开发成为以金银花为主要原料的清咽含片。

    The study based on the honeysuckle with good clear heat and purging fire for removing toxin of traditional efficacy , and strong anti-bacterial , anti-virus , anti-inflammatory and other pharmacological effects , and the clear pharynx troche to be developed as honeysuckle as the main raw material .

  14. Meta-分析结果显示清热泻火、平肝潜阳及补肾方药治疗高血压病均安全有效,且其Meta-分析结果较稳定,但漏斗图显示可能存在发表性偏倚。

    The statistical analytical results display that treated in light of the pathogenesis theory of " Liver Excess and Kidney Deficiency " were safe and effective , and the results analyzed by Meta-analysis were stable and reliable . The funnel plot point out that there maybe publication bias .

  15. 黄芩为唇形科植物黄芩的根,具有清热、泻火、解毒、止血、安胎等作用,药理作用广泛。

    Scutellaria Baicalensis is the root of Baical Skullcap belonging to labiate , which can clear fever , release fire , neutralize poison , stop bleeding and prevent miscarriage .

  16. 黄芩(ScutellariabaicalensisGeorgi)为唇形科多年生草本植物,其根性寒味苦、具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒、止血、安胎等功效。

    Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi ( S. baicalensis ) is an herbaceous perennial plant used as a medicinal plant , which roots have been used for cleaning away heat , moistening aridity , purging fire , detoxifying toxicosis , and is also anti-abortion agent .

  17. 黄芩清热燥湿,泻火解毒,止血,安胎,是一位临床上常用的的大宗药材,种植量大,种植面积广。

    Scutellaria heat dampness , purging fire detoxification , hemostasis , and preventing miscarriage , is a common staple in clinical medicine , plant capacity , wide planting area .