
  • 网络cleaning cloth;clean cloth;polishing cloth
  1. 纱线捻度对清洁布清扫能力的影响

    The Effect of Twist on Soil Retention of Cleaning Cloth

  2. 家用清洁布性能研究

    Study on Properties of Cleaning Cloth for Family

  3. 经常用镜片专用的微纤维清洁布清洁眼镜。

    Clean your glasses frequently with a microfiber cloth made especially for lenses .

  4. 经编抗菌清洁布的产品开发

    Development of Anti-bacterial Warp Knitted Cleaning Cloths

  5. 但是目前还不清楚苹果的清洁布和普通的微纤布料有何区别。

    But it 's not clear what differentiates Apple 's cloth from an ordinary microfiber wipe .

  6. 产业用清洁布

    Cleaning Cloth for Industrial Use

  7. 介绍清洁布发展概况,分类,用途和要求。

    In this paper the development , classification , application and requirement of cleaning cloth are introduced .

  8. 抹布(清洁布),纺织材料制,不论是否浸有清洁制剂

    Duster ( cleaning cloths ), of textile materials , whether or not impregnated with a cleaning preparation

  9. 易划伤金成绩是一个专门提供保护,清洁布,具有特殊尼康黄金清洁工完成。

    The easily scratched gold finish was protected with a specially provided cleaning cloth , complete with special Nikon gold cleaners .

  10. 这类手机清洁布通常自称能够99%的清除污物,但施密特博士表示,这还不够。

    Such phone-cleaning cloths usually boast about a 99 % success rate , which Dr. Schmidt says isn 't good enough . '

  11. 简介家用清洁布的分类、用途和基本要求,并对几种市售清洁布的清洁性能进行了分析。

    In this paper the classification , fundamental demands and application of cleaning cloth are introduced briefly , and the cleaning properties of several cleaning cloth samples are ana-lysed .

  12. 棒球,网球,高尔夫,共用杆,方向盘,手把,左右手柄硅胶套各一套;手绳两条,清洁布,面盖,彩贴。

    Baseball , tennis , golf , sharing , steering wheel , hand lever handle , or a set of silica , Two hands , clean cloth , rope , cover .

  13. 一个最简单又节约成本的方法是把那些软的布料用作擦拭布、抹布、用在汽车和窗户上的清洁布、擦干布以及许多其它各种不同的用途。

    One of the simplest and cost-saving ways to recycle clothes is to use articles of soft clothing as polishing cloths , dusters , car and window cleaning materials , drying-up towels and for many other and varied purposes .

  14. 应立刻止血。可以用一块清洁的布将伤口扎紧,等出血停止或救援者的到来。

    Try to stop it by placing a clean cloth firmly over the wound until the bleeding stops or help arrives .

  15. 在烧伤的皮肤上放一块清洁的干布。

    Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn .

  16. 总之,大理石台面最好定期以微湿带有温和洗涤剂的布擦拭,然后用清洁的软布抹干和擦亮。

    In all , the granite countertop had better to clean periodically , use warm , damp cloth dipped with gentle detergent to clean and then use clean cloth to dry .

  17. 一张非常清洁的白台布已经铺在一张粗糙的松木餐桌上,上面摆好了早餐的杯盘。

    And between the cups and saucers arranged for breakfast , and the lumbering deal table , a very clean white cloth was spread .

  18. 用温和的清洁剂,海绵或清洁的布小心擦洗。

    Carefully scrub the boot with a mild detergent and a sponge or clean cloth .

  19. 使用一块用清洁剂或者酒精蘸湿的柔软、清洁的布片。

    Have a soft , clean cloth dampened with a detergent or alcohol .

  20. 一包清洁套装中包括三张清洁擦拭巾,一瓶3盎司的清洁喷剂以及一块清洁布,要价20美元左右。

    A Clens kit that includes three Clens wipes , a 3-ounce bottle of Clens cleaning spray and a cleaning cloth costs about $ 20 .