
  • 网络fen-flavor liquor
  1. 提高清香型白酒中温大曲质量的方法

    Approaches to Improving the Quality of Medium-temperature Daqu for Fen-flavor Liquor

  2. 浅析中国酒城·泸州酿造清香型白酒的优势

    Analysis of The Advantage of Fen-flavor Liquor Making in Luzhou , China Liquor City

  3. 小曲清香型白酒的勾兑清香型中温大曲的前期培养管理

    Management of Prophase Culture of Medium Temperature Daqu Starter for Fen-flavor Liquor

  4. 清香型白酒发酵中的酯化研究

    Study on the Esterification in the Fermentation of Fen-flavor Liquors

  5. 固定化酵母在清香型白酒发酵的应用研究

    Study on the application of immobilized yeast in in Chinese liquor fermentation

  6. 清香型白酒的优势、现状与振兴

    Advantages , Present Status and Revival Measures of Fen-flavor Liquor

  7. 清香型白酒香味成分贮存变化规律的研究

    Research on the Change Rules of the Flavoring Components of Fen-flavor Liquor During Storage

  8. 填充柱气相色谱仪与清香型白酒分析

    Analysis of Fen-flavour liquor by filled-gas chromatography

  9. 清香型白酒具备的优势有:①生产周期短,成本低;

    Fen-flavor liquor has the following advantages :① short production cycle and low production cost ;

  10. 黄水在新型白酒及小曲清香型白酒中的勾兑及发酵应用

    Application of Yellow Water in the Blending & Fermentation of New-type Liquor and Xiaoqu Fen-flavor Liquor

  11. 该酒在自然、舒适的基础上,增加了口感的馥郁、柔顺、绵甜和细腻,形成了“醇厚”风格的清香型白酒。

    The liquor has mellow and soft taste and belongs to Fen-flavor liquor of mellow and full-bodied styles .

  12. 清香型白酒中,总酸、总酯、高级醇、固形物的含量变化趋势均与自然放置过程中变化趋势一致。

    In Qing scent liquor , total acid , total esters , higher alcohols , solids have the same trend with natural placed .

  13. 在相同条件下,酱香型白酒分出963个峰,浓香型白酒分出674个峰,清香型白酒分出484个峰。

    Under the same conditions , there were 963 peaks , 674 peaks and 484 peaks in Maotai-flavor liquor , in Luzhou-flavor liquor , and in Fen-flavor liquor respectively .

  14. 调制清香型白酒,生料酒60%~70%,清香大曲酒30%,酒头酒尾、香精香料适量。

    Fen-flavour liquor : 60 % ~ 70 % liquor with uncooked material , 30 % Fen-flavour Daqu liquor , and proper quantity of head liquor , end liquor and flavor .

  15. 不同酒醅和酒曲中分离菌种性能的研究苹果汁酒醅混合发酵提高清香型白酒酯香的作用与机制

    Capability Study of the Strains Separated from Different Fermented Grains and Daqu Starters Improvement of Chinese Fen-Flavor Spirit Ester Flavor by Mixed Fermentation with Apple Juice and Alcoholic Fermentative Material and Its Mechanism

  16. 清香型白酒以乙酸乙酯为主体香,占总酯的50%以上,乙酸乙酯与乳酸乙酯的含量占总酯90%以上;

    Fen-flavour liquor has ethyl acetate the main body flavour component , above 50 % of total ester , and the content of ethyl lactate and ethyl acetate above 90 % of total ester ;

  17. 清香型新型白酒的勾调技术

    Blending Technique of Fen-flavour New Type Liquor

  18. 清香型麸曲白酒生产中的糖化酶菌种一般采用AS3.4309。用它生产的麸曲简称快曲。

    The Strain AS 3.4309 which can produce glucoamylase is generally used to prepare leaven in the production of white spirit .

  19. 应用于清香型优质白酒生产中,出酒率可提高13%,而且不影响酒的感官品质;

    Its use in the production of quality Fen-flavor liquor could increase liquor yield by 13 % with no adverse effects on liquor quality and liquor taste .