
  1. 凤香型酒主要香味成分的研究

    Studies on the main fragrance of Feng wine

  2. 优质的浓香型调味酒为生产高档“凤兼复合香型”白酒的物质基础。

    Quality Luzhou-flavor blending liquor is the base for the production of top-grade " Xifeng-flavor & complex flavor " liquor .

  3. 西凤酒的典型特征为“醇香典雅、甘润挺爽、诸味谐调、味净悠长”。优质的浓香型调味酒为生产高档“凤兼复合香型”白酒的物质基础。

    The typical characteristics of Xifeng-flavour liquor are as elegant liquor flavor , enjoyable liquor taste , harmonious liquor body and long liquor aftertaste .