
  • 网络hexanal;hexenal;Caproaldehyde
  1. 通过液面上部气体分析进行己醛的定量测量是一个常用技术。

    Quantitative measurement of hexanal by headspace analysis is a common technique .

  2. 壬醛和己醛的组分含量可以作为油脂氧化程度及确定烘烤美国大杏仁货架期的检测指标。

    This study showed nonanal and hexanal might be a better peroxide index for shelf life of roasted almonds kernels .

  3. 正己醇氧化生成正己醛磷钨杂多酸催化剂的过氧化氢分解活性

    Decomposition Activity of H_2O_2 over P-W-Heteropolyacid Catalysts for Catalytic Oxidation of Hexanol to Hexanal

  4. 基于本研究结果认为适当浓度的磷脂酶D抑制剂正己醛(醇)处理有利于采后蟠桃果实的品质保持。

    By using proper concentration , PLD inhibitor treatment helps quality maintenance of flat peach fruits after harvest .

  5. 醛类挥发物中除甲醛外还有少量的戊醛和己醛,微量的丁醛、丙酮、乙醛和丙醛。

    There were still a small amount of pentanal and hexanal and a little butyraldehyde , acetone , acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde .

  6. 洞庭碧螺春最重要的香气特征是具有高含量的壬醛和己醛,以及芳樟醇和香叶醇。

    The apparent characteristic of the aroma of Biluochun Tea was high concentrations of hexanal and nonanal , besides linalool and geraniol .

  7. 己醛、壬醛、己醇、3-甲基-丁醇、2,3-丁二醇、苯乙醇和3-羟基-2-丁酮则是桑椹的主体香气成分。

    The principal aroma components in mulberries were composed of hexaldehyde , nonanal , hexanol , 1-butanol , 3-methyl-2,3-butanediol , phenylethanol and3-hydroxy-2-butanone .

  8. 己醛、月桂酸、Z-7-十四碳烯酸、十四酸是供试3个枣品种成熟果实共同的主要芳香物质。

    Hexanal , dodecanoic acid , Z-7-tetradecenoic acid and tetradecanoic acid were the common main compounds in the three jujube varieties . 3 .

  9. 并以苯甲醇为内标,用峰面积归一化定量了几种对豆腥味有重大贡献化合物(正己醛、正己醇、2-己烯醛、2-戊基呋喃等)的相对含量。

    Based on the NBS standard mass spectral data and by integrating peak area method , the main constituents of beany flavor ( hexanal , 1-hexanol , 2-hexenal , 2-pentylfuran ) in each sample were quantified .

  10. 正己醛是合成香料的中间体,由正己醇制备正己醛的过程能够产生较高的经济附加值,因此对该过程的研究具有重要的意义。

    Hexanal was an intermediate of synthetic fragrance . Because of the high added value of oxidative dehydrogenation to hexanal , it was important significance to study this process of hexanol preparing hexanal by oxidative dehydrogenation .

  11. 相同成分有紫罗酮、己醛、己醇、己烯醛、己烯醇、内酯类、萜烯醇类等,这些成分共同构成杏果实的香味,但其含量在两个品种间存在差异。

    The common constituents included ionone , hexanal , hexanol , hexenal , hexenol , lactones , terpenic alcohols , etc , which are major contributors to apricot aroma , but their contents are different in two cultivars .

  12. 老卤中己醛含量最高且己醛是老卤中的主体挥发性风味物质,可以将己醛作为判别新卤与老卤的指标。

    Hexanal had the highest concentrations and was the main body of the volatile flavor compounds in the aged brine , thus hexanal could be one of the indicators that can distinguish the fresh brine and the aged one .