
  • 网络Julian;Julien;Jullien;julien boulard
  1. 朱利安想出了不少筹款的新办法。

    Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money

  2. 朱利安本应该辞职,这样他总归还能算是有些功劳。

    Julian ought to have resigned , then he 'd have come out of it with some credit .

  3. 他来替朱利安伯伯干活,从头学习做生意。

    He came to work for uncle Julian and learn the business from the ground up .

  4. 凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)的中国经济学家朱利安埃文斯-普里查德(JulianEvans-Pritchard)表示,没有证据表明,股价对中国的消费状况有切实的影响。

    There is little evidence , says Julian Evans-Pritchard , China Economist at Capital Economics , that stock prices make a meaningful difference to consumption in China .

  5. 素有“小虎”之称的拉方特是老虎基金(TigerManagement)经理朱利安•罗伯逊的门生,他曾表示,投资科技股实际上相当简单。

    Laffont , known as a " tiger cub " because he is a protege of legendary hedge fund manager Julian Robertson of tiger management , said that investing in tech is actually pretty simple .

  6. 朱利安还在推特上PO了一张他母亲75岁的照片,在一个爱心里面,他写上了爱的记忆。

    Julian also tweeted a picture of his mother , who was 75 , inside a heart with the message In Loving Memory .

  7. 美军发言人朱利安上校说,这些军队将前往阿富汗东部,军方称那个地区为RC东区。今年,塔利班在那里的袭击事件有所增加。

    U.S. Spokesman Colonel Greg Julian says those forces are headed to eastern Afghanistan , an area the military calls R.C. East , which has seen a surge in Taliban attacks this year .

  8. 我认识的人中,艾伦(Aaron)取名雅龙,尼克(Nick)取名大龙,朱利安(Julian)取名险猪,马丁(Martin)取名马立方。

    I know a Graceful Dragon ( Aaron ) , a Big Dragon ( Nick ) , a Dangerous Pig ( Julian ) and a Horse Cubes ( Martin ) .

  9. 日前,朱利安拍卖行举行了一场迈克尔·杰克逊经典服装拍卖会,流行歌手LadyGaga在拍卖会上一次性拍下了55件物品,募集了超过500万美元的资金,其中一部分将会捐献给慈善机构。

    Pop star Lady Gaga purchased 55 items belonging to late singer Michael Jackson in a weekend auction that raised more than $ 5 million , a portion of which will be donated to charity , Julien 's Auctions said .

  10. TED演讲者、《声音与商业》一书的作者朱利安-特雷热说,人脑只能同时处理1.6场对话,如果你的意识游荡到了附近的讨论中去,就不剩多少脑力来工作了。

    The human brain only has the capacity for 1.6 conversations , according to Julian Treasure , TED speaker and author of Sound Business , and if your mind wanders to a nearby discussion , you dont have much brain power left to work with .

  11. 做格拉梅西公园酒店(GramercyParkHotel)时,我们聘请了朱利安(朱利安·施纳贝尔[JulianSchnabel])来设计大堂,约翰·波森(JohnPawson)来设计客房。前者是极多主义者,后者是极简主义者,但我觉得他们的精神本质是协调的。

    When we did Gramercy Park Hotel we had Julian [ Schnabel ] do the lobby and he 's a maximalist , and we had John Pawson do the apartments and he is a minimalist , but to me they work together in spirit .

  12. 或许,在互联网上,英国的朱利安Beever最有名的艺术家路面上创建了人行道路面图纸自90年代中期。

    Perhaps the most famous pavement artist on the internet , UK-based Julian Beever has been creating drawings on pavement surfaces since the mid-1990s .

  13. 朱利安(DarrenJulien)说投资商和对冲基金把时装视为艺术品等耐用商品拓展出去的领域,因为古董时装“五年后就会赢利。一旦升值,挂在办公室里能显现自己的财富及身份”。

    Darren Julien , the house 's chief executive , says investors and hedge funds are looking at fashion as a way to diversify from other hard goods , such as art , as fashion " will turn a profit over five years and shows wealth and status in the office while it appreciates . "

  14. 你的客人是你的问题,与我无关,朱利安

    Your guests are your problem , not mine , Julian .

  15. 朱利安的校长艾伦·克拉克建议用拼字游戏。

    Julian 's headmaster , Alan Clark suggested a spelling bee .

  16. 朱利安病了,我们不得不取消约定。

    Julian was ill so we had to caneal the booking .

  17. 这里是说朱利安的善良,想象中很有几分伤感;

    This is a rather moist fantasy of Julien 's virtue ;

  18. 朱利安是一个很不坦率,几乎是守口如瓶的人。

    Julian is a very private , almost secretive , person .

  19. 朱利安,今晚我邀你吃晚餐,是因为

    So , the reason that I asked you to dinner tonight

  20. 朱利安,你总是有勇气没头脑。

    Julien , you always have the braveness expcept the idea .

  21. 朱利安:那是什么,另一根白头发?!

    Julian : What is that , another gray hair ? !

  22. 我们在庄园大门口停了一下,让朱利安上校上车。

    We stopped at the gates and picked up Colonel Julyan .

  23. 朱利安:似乎一切都在你的掌握之中。

    Julian : You seem to have it all under control .

  24. 朱利安国王陛下他们是什么东西?

    King Julian , what are they ? What are they !

  25. A:朱利安,我下周要来加班。

    A : Julian , I 'm going to work next Saturday .

  26. 拜占廷皇帝朱利安宗教政策的经济社会原因分析

    Analysis of the Economic and Social Reasons of Julian 's Pagan Policy

  27. 朱利安,你有没考虑过给我看你写的东西?

    Julien , have you thought about the things you wrote carefully ?

  28. 我们得回去把朱利安救出来!

    We 've gotta go back , get Julian out of there !

  29. 我是朱利安,这位是我的朋友桑迪。

    I 'm Julian and this is my friend sandy .

  30. 朱利安给我们看了一张他自己与前妻的照片。

    Julian showed us a picture of himself with his former wife .