
  • 网络The Potato Eaters;Potato eater
  1. 代表作品有《吃土豆的人》、《向日葵》、《星夜》、《咖啡馆》等。

    His masterworks include The Potato Eaters , Sunflowers , The Starry Night and The Night Caf é among others .

  2. 对啊,对于一个不吃土豆的人来说,他也太嬉皮了吧。

    Yeah , he 's a little hippy for somebody that doesn 't eat potatoes .

  3. 吃米饭的人的数量比吃土豆的人数量要大得多。

    The number of people who eat rice is considerably greater than the number who eat potatoes .