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qiáo qiān
  • move to a better place;have a promotion;move
乔迁 [qiáo qiān]
  • [move] 称人迁居或升职

  • 伐木丁丁,鸟鸣嘤嘤,出自幽谷,迁于乔木。--《诗.小雅.伐木》

  • 恭喜乔迁

乔迁[qiáo qiān]
  1. 很抱歉我没有赶上乔迁聚会。

    I 'm so sorry I missed the housewarming .

  2. 月初第一天,这家准备乔迁新居。

    The family are moving in on the first of the month .

  3. 第二天定为这对新婚夫妇乔迁的日子。

    The next day was appointed for the removal of the new-married couple .

  4. 兴许我们能选出一些礼物送给Jane作乔迁礼。

    Maybe we can find some gifts for Jane 's new house .

  5. 而巨头Tickemaster致力于服务大企业,它的目标客户可不是什么准备筹备乔迁新禧的初创企业或准备子女洗礼聚会的普通母亲。

    Tickemaster catered to the big names , not the startup that wanted to hold an office-warming or the mother who wanted to throw a baptism party .

  6. 我要给你份乔迁宴最好的礼物。

    We 're gonna get you the best housewarming present ever .

  7. 乔迁新居,我们大家都很兴奋。

    We 're all steamed up to move to our new house .

  8. 我们决定开一个乔迁晚会。

    We 've decided to throw a housewarming party .

  9. 其实这是诺兰的乔迁庆宴

    Actually , it 's for nolan 's housewarming .

  10. 什么时候办乔迁宴?

    When 's the house-warming going to be ?

  11. 杰克邀请苏珊出席乔迁宴。

    Jack invites Susan to his housewarming party .

  12. 敬祝你乔迁新居,大展鸿图,福星高照!

    I wish you plenty of prosperity and good luck in your new house .

  13. 我们要在星期五举行乔迁聚会,愿意的话欢迎前来参加。

    We 're having a housewarming on Friday if you 'd like to come .

  14. 我只是在筹备乔迁宴

    I was just planning my housewarming .

  15. 雷切尔家今晚正在举行乔迁庆宴。

    Rachel 's having a housewarming tonight .

  16. 可是除了乔迁喜宴之外,客人通常都只待在客厅里。

    But except for housewarmings , guests often don 't get past the living room .

  17. 如果简妮斯乔迁去农村的话,她会考虑从事养蜂业的。

    Janice is thinking of going in for bee-keeping when she moves to the country .

  18. 我给你带来一件乔迁庆宴礼物。

    I brought you a housewarming gift .

  19. 这个周末我和赫拉克勒斯一道去参加了朋友在湖上举行的乔迁庆宴。

    Hercules and I went to a friend 's housewarming party on the lake this weekend .

  20. 1986年,香港安利总部乔迁至铜锣湾万国宝通银行中心。

    In 1986 , the Amway head office moved to the Citicorp Centre in Causeway Bay .

  21. 专责乔迁工具,从你的工具调色板并拖动它到你的主体形象。

    Select the Move tool from your tool palette and drag it into your main image .

  22. 亲爱的劳拉:感谢你恭贺我乔迁。

    Dear Laura , Thank you for taking time to congratulate me on entering a new house .

  23. 乔迁聚会是由某个刚刚搬入新家或新公寓的人来做东。

    A housewarming party is thrown by someone who has just moved into a new house or apartment .

  24. 金妮阿姨给你的那些作为乔迁礼物的打着褶的毛巾,是擦手用的。

    Those frilly towels that Aunt Ginny gave you as a housewarming gift were meant to be used on hands .

  25. 送莫妮卡和钱德的乔迁礼刚出生的小鸡和小鸭!

    Oh , it 's my housewarming present for Monica and Chandler . That 's a baby chick and duck .

  26. 乔迁后的第一个晚上,莉莉主持了一个庆祝活动。

    In the first evening when Jack moved in Lily held a private ceremony to celebrate his moving to a better place .

  27. 乔迁新居,女主人还没收拾完毕,突然停电了,室内一片漆黑。

    After moving into a new residence , there was a sudden blackout and darkness in the house before the hostess tidied up .

  28. 这个学校正准备乔迁,新大楼由建筑师马修•米勒设计,名为人道主义建筑大楼。

    The school was in the process of being relocated to a new building courtesy of Architect Matthew Miller and Architecture for Humanity .

  29. 我们想邀请你在这个星期六晚上,到我们的新居来参加我们的“乔迁新居”聚会,庆祝一下。

    We 'd like to invite you this coming Saturday evening to our new flat and join our housewarming party to celebrate the occasion .

  30. 导管的起源和进化程度是被子植物从湿润环境到季节性生境乔迁的关键,是与维管植物的进化密切联系的。

    The origin and evolution of vessel is a key factor for plants removing from wet areas to seasonal dry areas and is closely related to the evolution of vascular plants .