
  • 网络chowdhury;Chaudhry;Chaudhary;Iftikhar Chaudhry;Anjem Choudary
  1. 扎尔达里面临的反对主要来自两方面:寻求前最高法院首席大法官伊夫提哈尔穆罕默德乔杜里(iftikharmohammadchaudhry)复职的愤怒的律师们,以及旁遮普省的政敌们。

    Mr Zardari faces opposition from two main areas : angry lawyers seeking reinstatement of Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry , former chief justice of the Supreme Court , and political rivals in Punjab province .

  2. 普通的巴基斯坦人也开始追随乔杜里先生。

    Ordinary pakistanis , too , have been flocking to Mr chaudhry .

  3. 乔杜里警告说,成本更高的信贷可能意味著消费的减少。

    Chaudhuri warns that more expensive credit could mean less spending .

  4. 伍德没有说克林顿是否特别敦促恢复首席法官乔杜里的职务。

    Wood did not say whether Clinton specially urged the reinstatement of chief justice Chaudhry .

  5. 乔杜里先生正是在2000年时为填补空缺而提升上来的。

    Mr Chaudhry was elevated , in 2000 , to fill one of the gaps .

  6. 乔杜里首创了“热瑜伽”,拥有无数连锁店以及一大批执著的追随者,就连美国前总统尼克松也曾是这位瑜伽大师的顾客。

    He created bikram yoga , had a bunch of franchises and millions of fans .

  7. 我支持以色列,但你们为什么不能支持巴勒斯坦,”乔杜里说道。

    I support Israel but why can 't you support Palestine , " said Chaudhry .

  8. 乔杜里是印度总理经济顾问委员会的成员。

    Saumitra Chaudhuri , is a member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister .

  9. 巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫去年11月3日宣布全国进入六个星期的紧急状态时,解除了大约60位高级法官的职务,包括巴基斯坦首席大法官乔杜里。

    President Pervez Musharraf dismissed some 60 senior judges , including the country 's chief justice , Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry , on November 3 when he declared a six-week emergency rule in the country .