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ān zhì
  • resettle;position;posit;arrange for;house;put;configure;emplace;emplacement;find a place for;ensconce;help settle down;good night
安置 [ān zhì]
  • (1) [good night]∶敬语。请休息。睡前的问候语

  • 吃了晚饭,叫了安置,望庙中去了。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [emplace;resettle;arrange for;help settle down]∶安排他人在指定的地方或位置上

  • 安置他的妹妹作秘书

安置[ān zhì]
  1. 是为了安置以土地为主要生产资料并取得生活来源的农业人口的生活所给予的补助费用。

    It is to find a place for the life place that gives priority to the agricultural population that should produce a material and gains source of income with land gives accessorial charge .

  2. 难民被安置在一座废弃的军事基地里住宿。

    The refugees are being lodged at an old army base .

  3. 许多难民被安置到英国和加拿大。

    Many of the refugees were resettled in Britain and Canada .

  4. 他们希望能草草搭成一个临时安置区。

    They hope to be able to patch together a temporary settlement .

  5. 我们被安置在去火车站近便的地方。

    We 're handily placed for the train station .

  6. 这些孩子在抚育院等待安置。

    The children were waiting for placement in a foster care home

  7. 这些难民在重新定居之前被安置在意大利的难民营中。

    The refugees were put in camps in Italy before being resettled

  8. 在那之前,许多孩子被安置在一个缺乏人情味的大孤儿院里。

    Before then many children were cared for in large impersonal orphanages

  9. 医院旁搭起了帐篷以安置容纳不下的人员。

    Tents have been set up next to hospitals to handle the overflow

  10. 就业安置计划是为了帮助那些失业者。

    A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed .

  11. 新来的难民被安置在临时的集体寝室里。

    The latest refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories .

  12. 一家医院计划在新生儿身上安置电子追踪器,防止婴儿被拐卖。

    A hospital is to fit newborn babies with electronic tags to foil kidnappers

  13. 狗被安置在一个隔音的房间里。

    The dog was placed in a soundproofed room .

  14. 公司发放了安置费来鼓励高级员工搬到这个地区。

    Relocation expenses were paid to encourage senior staff to move to the region .

  15. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。

    Students are accommodated in homes nearby .

  16. 在几个接收国和一些非政府组织的共同努力下,这些难民得以安置。

    These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations .

  17. 他们把我关起来,问完我话后又将我安置在儿童院。

    They took me into custody , questioned me , then lodged me in a children 's home

  18. 遇到难以安置的孩子,收容中心会提供长期的照顾。

    In cases where it proves difficult to place a child , the reception centre provides long-term care .

  19. 部分经费被指定用于受污染区域群众的重新安置。

    Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the resettlement of people from contaminated areas .

  20. 在舞台后面安置一部摄影机。

    Position a camera upstage

  21. 有10万户左右的家庭在地震中失去了家园,其中许多家庭还没有得到安置。

    Many of the 100,000 or so families who lost their homes in the earthquake have still not been rehoused

  22. 那个国家在安置难民方面花了许多钱。

    That country spent a lot of money to house the refugees .

  23. 难民被安置在一所小学里。

    The refugees were lodged in a primary school .

  24. 一些学生被安置在附近的住家中。

    Some students were accommodated in homes nearby .

  25. 女主人很不情愿地把两个难民安置在一个空闲的房间里。

    The mistress of the house reluctantly installed the two refugees in a spare room .

  26. 你们能安置这些无家可归的孩子吗?

    Can you place these homeless children ?

  27. 她会美妙地把自己安置在我们家客厅里面一道十月阳光之中。

    She would artfully position herself in a beam of October sunlight in our living room .

  28. 法拉利表示,概念车的电池被安置在浅盘形地板下方,这种设计能降低重心,从而提高而非妨碍其性能。

    Ferrari said that the design of its concept car , with its batteries positioned below the floorpan , would improve rather than hinder its performance by lowering the centre of gravity .

  29. 这些微型卫星可以被安置进运载火箭中之前被认为是无用空间的地方。

    These mini-satellites can fit in a launch vehicle 's formerly " wasted space . "

  30. 使用无线设置,你可以将电池供电的传感器安置在家里的各个地方,保持对窗户,门以及所有活动的监视。

    With a wireless setup , you stick battery-powered sensors up around your home that keep an eye on windows , doors , motion , and more .