
  1. 安哥拉政府长期以来一直拒绝评论中基公司的贷款。

    The Angolan government has long refused to comment on the CIF loan .

  2. 安哥拉政府耗费数百万美元用于选民登记,资助竞选。

    The Angolan government spent millions of dollars registering voters and funding the campaign .

  3. 安哥拉政府喜欢提醒外国人:你们在安哥拉是为了赚钱,所以闭上嘴。

    The regime likes to remind expats that they are in Angola to make money and shut up .

  4. 安哥拉政府提供了五辆新车辆供该病暴发现场的医护队使用。

    Five new vehicles have been provided by the Angolan government for use by teams at the outbreak site .

  5. 安哥拉政府的态度无疑正变得更加开放,但西方政府官员承认,在这方面依然存在很大欠缺。

    Unquestionably the government is becoming more open but western officials concede there is still a long way to go .

  6. 通过借鉴国内外学者相关的研究成果以及对安哥拉政府文件的转述,对安哥拉政策的变化进行梳理。

    Changes in policy in Angola by drawing on the research scholars of Angolan government documents relayed to sort out .

  7. 在独立战争以及内战时期,安哥拉政府对外政策始终围绕着军事和安全领域。

    During the War of Independence and the Civil War , the foreign policy of Angola centered on its military affairs and security .

  8. 令那些怀疑资金被挪用的批评人士感到愤怒的是,安哥拉政府对安中关系的细节严加保密。

    The Angolan government keeps a tight lid on details of the relationship to the fury of its critics who suspect funds go astray .

  9. 2002年,安哥拉政府军士兵在交战中枪击萨文比,之后通往和平之路才由此而变得畅通。

    In2002 , the Angolan government soldiers in fighting in the shooting Savimbi , followed the road to peace before giving rise to become smooth .

  10. 但去年末,安哥拉政府将其认为中基公司本会提供的信贷额度预测调降了三分之二。

    But late last year the Angolan government downgraded by two-thirds its estimates of the line of credit the CIF was thought to have provided .

  11. 随着长达27年、时断时续的内战在2002年结束,安哥拉政府开始着手重建在内战中被摧毁的基础设施,中基公司赢得了一系列建筑工程合同。

    It has won a range of construction projects in Angola as the government rebuilds infrastructure devastated in the 27-year on-off civil war that ended in 2002 .

  12. 除了因为前述债务协议而受到质疑外,盖伊达马克还因为涉嫌参与面向安哥拉政府的武器销售,而受到法国的调查。

    In addition to facing questions in the debt deal , Mr. Gaydamak was under investigation in France in connection with arms sales to the Angolan government .

  13. 安哥拉政府曾透露,这3个项目其它两个项目旨在将安哥拉首都罗安达和南部港口纳米贝与内陆地区相连能在去年年底前完工。

    The government had tipped these three projects – the other two are intended to link Luanda , the Angolan capital , and the southern port of Namibe to the interior – to be completed by the end of last year .

  14. 安哥拉政府说,过去10年里只完成了40%的扫雷任务,最近要求进行为期5年的扫雷扩展计划以全部完成扫雷工作。

    Ten years ago , few people would adventure here . Today , it has become a popular place for locals and expatriates to visit . The Angolan government has recently asked for a five year extension to finish demining , arguing that only 40 % of the job has been completed in the past decade .

  15. 这次会议由世界卫生组织和联合国环境规划署共同组织,由安哥拉共和国政府主办。

    It is organized by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme and hosted by the Government of the Republic of Angola .

  16. 十年前,Vicente禁止外国石油加工企业进入安哥拉。他甚至公开一些常规数据,以揭示被安哥拉政府驱逐出境的潜在经营风险。

    A decade ago Mr Vicente forbade foreign oil companies in Angola to publish even routine data , on threat of ejection .