
  1. 所以,许多中国人花了很多钱让自己的电话号码和车牌号里有“8”这个数字。

    So , many Chinese people spend a lot of money to get their telephone numbers or car numbers to include this number " 8 " .

  2. 我在圣诞节不寻欢作乐,我也没有钱让游手好闲的人寻欢作乐。

    I don 't make merry myself at Christmas , and I can 't afford to make idle people merry .

  3. 他告诉我,这些钱让他容光焕发(likeamilliondollars),感到非常高兴。

    He told me the money made him feel like a million dollars . He was very happy .

  4. 我爸付我钱让我别呆在家里

    My dad pays me to stay out of the house .

  5. 唱片公司给钱让你放什么就放什么。

    You play whatever the record company pays you to play .

  6. 曼花多少钱让你保守秘密?

    How much was Mann paying you to keep his secret ?

  7. 他们没有足够的钱让罢工维持下去。

    They do not have enough money to sustain a strike .

  8. 他肯定不愿意再多花10块钱让你弄头发

    I know he 's not gonna spend thextra ten dollars

  9. 为了某样东西花太多钱让我感觉很不舒服。

    And paying too much for something makes me a little ill .

  10. 他们暗中给了他一些钱让他保持沉默。

    They paid him under the counter to keep quiet .

  11. 给阿拉默付了一百块钱让他给我一刀。

    Paid the Alamo a hundred to put the SHIV in me .

  12. 原因是家庭贫困,没有钱让他们继续读书。

    Families are poor and there often isn 't money for education .

  13. 她几乎没有赚足够的钱让收支平衡。

    She scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet .

  14. 付的钱让我们过的更好而中饱私囊

    convincing them the money went to better our lives .

  15. 噢,霍华德?休斯,你的钱让你感觉好些了吗?

    Oh , Howard hughes , did your money make you better ?

  16. 钱让他感觉非常快乐。

    The money made him feel like a million dollars .

  17. 我给你钱让你去看好牙医吧

    I will give you the money for trip to fancy dentist .

  18. 抱歉,我反对不给钱让人干白活。

    Sorry , I 'm against getting people to work for free .

  19. 他说他给钱让我画一张服务器的图。

    Said he 'd pay me to make a map of the server .

  20. 我会给你钱让你买食物和坐出租车。

    I will give you money for cab fare and a good meal .

  21. 可你救了我麻烦写信告诉你妹妹这笔钱让我们都轻松了

    Jane : You saved my life.Please write to them.This money frees us .

  22. 他付我钱让我忘记他做的破事

    to pay me to forget about all the crap he 's done .

  23. 就可以拿最多的钱让人被浸泡。

    And whoever gets the most money gets dunked .

  24. 他们曾向我提供一大笔钱让我搬走。

    I have been offered a large sum of money to go away .

  25. 我是说我给你钱让你能继续赌。

    I 'm saying I 'll give you the money to keep going .

  26. 这么穷的一个人是没有钱让人给他画像的。

    Such a poor man had no money to have a portrait taken .

  27. 我叔叔给了我一些钱让我开始经商。

    My uncle gave me some money to start me out in trade .

  28. 韦德很难凑集足够的钱让孩子们去上学。

    Wade had difficulty pulling together enough money to send his children to school .

  29. 给他一点儿钱让他来当你的仆人。

    You 've been giving him pennies to make him work as your servant .

  30. 他付出大笔钱让朱莉在寄宿学校受教育。

    He had paid out good money to educate Julie at a boarding school .