
  1. 当掺炼率为20%时,精制反应器床层的总温升比单炼VGO时上升了20℃,平均反应温度实际上升了6.1℃,氢耗从202.8m3/t上升到236.5m3/t。

    At a coker-gatch blending ratio from 0 to 20 % , the overall temperature rise of the refining reactor raised 20 ℃ , the catalyst average temperature raised 6 . 1 ℃, and the hydrogen consumption increased from 202 . 8m3 / t to 236 . 5m3 / t.

  2. 但如果加上碳进口、空运与海运,英国的碳排放实际上升了,升幅约为19%。

    But once carbon imports , aviation and shipping are added it actually went up , by around 19 per cent .

  3. 边际效用(价值说)当计算边境价格考虑到实际上升时,实际提高的奖励只有9%。

    When border prices are calculated taking the real appreciation into account , the actual increase in incentives was only 9 percent .

  4. 科拉普利特指出,研究小组成员必须还要计算出实际上升到表面的水冰所占的比例,以及本来可以测到的水冰比例。

    Team members must still calculate what portion of subsurface ice actually rose into view and could have been measured , Colaprete noted .

  5. 我们认为,在相对温和的通货膨胀率背景下,今年年末欧元区利率目标位仍是4.25%,但是如果经济一直加速增长,实际上升息的风险也会因此加大。

    Given the relatively benign inflation picture , we keep our year-end target for Euro-zone rates at4.25 % , but acknowledge that the risks are on the upside if growth continues to pick up momentum .

  6. 5月份失业率实际上升到9.1%:职位创造率只与劳动年龄人口增长率持平。三分之二的美国人认为国家经济已误入歧途,认为国家经济在正确轨道上的只有三分之一。

    The unemployment rate actually rose , to 9.1 % , in May : the rate of job creation is barely keeping track with the natural increase in the working-age population . Twice as many Americans think the country is on the wrong track as the right one .

  7. 即便实际利率上升到比如说3%,扣除物价因素后的财政成本也只有GDP的2%。

    Even if real rates of interest were to rise to , say , 3 per cent , the fiscal cost , in real terms , would be a mere 2 per cent of GDP .

  8. 实际含水上升率定液法在油田产量预测中的应用

    Application of Actual Water-cut Escalating Rate in Production Forecast

  9. 实际利率上升加剧内生性通货紧缩。

    Real rate of interest is going up , which aggravates the inherent deflation .

  10. 虽然出台了一系列紧缩措施,去年政府支出实际却上升了。

    Despite a series of austerity packages , state spending has actually gone up over the past year .

  11. 其短期影响是,目的国实际汇率上升,经常账户赤字大幅增长。

    The short-term effect is an appreciation of real exchange rates and soaring current account deficits in destination countries .

  12. 目前利率依然很低,之所以会上升是因为实际利率上升了,而实际利率上升几乎肯定说明经济增长前景有所改善。

    Rates are still remarkably low . They are rising because of a jump in real rates that almost certainly reflects improved prospects for growth .

  13. 在过多的资本需求者追逐有限资本的过程中,必然产生寻租现象,并驱使实际利率上升。

    Since the excessive capital demanders pursue the finite capital , the rent-seeking phenomenon inevitably appears , which promotes the rise in the real interest rate .

  14. 这应会造成信贷扩张、需求过度、国内价格水平提高及实际汇率上升。

    That should generate a credit expansion , excess demand , a rise in the domestic price level and an appreciation in the real exchange rate .

  15. 此外,如果没有官方资本流出进行抵消,私人资本的大量净流入就会导致实际汇率上升。

    Moreover , large net inflows of private capital will lead to an appreciation of the real exchange rates , unless offset by official capital outflows .

  16. 但是根据《经济学人》的计算,自2005年以来,中国与美国的实际汇率上升了近50%。

    But China 's real exchange rate with America has strengthened by almost 50 % since 2005 , according to calculations by The Economist ( see chart ) .

  17. 摩根士丹利报告的结论是,这些变化的影响将包括新兴国家实际利率上升、全球再平衡和新兴国家实际汇率上升。

    The Morgan Stanley paper concludes that the impact of these changes will include higher real interest rates , global rebalancing and higher real exchange rates in emerging countries .

  18. 实际利率上升的主要影响是,对利润不断下滑且被大量偿债支出搞得焦头烂额的工业企业构成进一步压力。

    The main impact of the higher real rates is to pile further pressure on industrial enterprises that are suffering declining profits while contending with a welter of debt service charges .

  19. 在美国,近期名义利率的上升几乎可以完全用实际利率上升来解释,而不是隐含的通胀预期上升。

    In the US , the recent rise in nominal rates is explained almost entirely by the rise in the real rate , not by a rise in implied inflation expectations .

  20. 中国只有花上多年时间,逐渐将更多资源从出口和进口替代转向非贸易领域,让实际汇率上升,才能改变其增长模式。

    China can alter its growth model only over a number of years by gradually shifting more resources into non-tradable sectors away from exports and import substitutes , letting its real exchange rate appreciate .

  21. 精确而言,实际利率上升能够解释2010年11月30日以来76%和11月4日以来83%的名义利率上升。

    To be precise , the rise in real rates turns out to explain 76 per cent of the jump from November 30 2010 and 83 per cent of the jump from November 4 2010 .

  22. 中国股票市场仍然存在主动融资机制,对于高流通市值公司尤为突出,但现行投、融资行政审批制度的政策约束会造成股票定价偏高低成本发行新股融资实际投资上升的传导时滞。

    There is active financing mechanism in China stock market , especially for the companies that have higher circulating shares . But there is delay because of the administrative stipulation of the real investment and financing .

  23. 报告表示,去年,对发展中经济体的投资实际有所上升,非洲、南亚、东南亚和东亚的资金流入均达到了创纪录水平;对发达国家的投资额则因并购活动停滞出现了下降。

    Last year , investment in developing economies actually rose , with record inflows to Africa and to south , south-east and east Asia , while in rich countries it fell as merger and acquisition activity dried up .

  24. 从中国和全球其它地区的角度看,名义汇率的上升可能是可取的,但无论哪种方式导致的实际汇率上升都会带来问题,对美国来说尤其如此。

    A rise in the nominal rate is likely to be preferable from the view point of both China and the rest of the world , but a rising real exchange rate by either route will pose problems , particularly for the US .

  25. 于是提出工资上升一就业模型,即通过提高货币工资达到使劳动者感到实际工资上升、且能最大限度地激励劳动者的积极性,以提高劳动的边际产出率,增大厂商用于生产和经营的资本量。

    This article proposes a wage rise-employment model differing from Keynesian employment theory , suggesting that enhancing monetary wages can impress workers as real wage increase , and therefore stimulate labor supply and capital / output ratio through increasing marginal productivity of labor .

  26. 这是因为,德国消费者需要进口价格下跌,以提升购买力,而德国企业需要实际汇率上升,以迫使生产率提高,自欧元诞生以来,德国企业的生产率增速已下降一半。

    This is because German consumers need lower import costs to raise their spending power , while German businesses need the discipline of a higher real exchange rate to enforce productivity gains , having seen productivity growth halve since the start of the euro .

  27. 他们将必须树立新的思维方式,找到让资本结构变得稳健的方式,以应对通胀水平更高的环境这种环境的特征是实际利率上升、人口结构不利和亚洲大型经济体的储蓄率不断下降。

    They will have to adopt a new mindset to find ways of building robustness into capital structures to cope with a more inflationary environment characterised by higher real interest rates , adverse demographics and declining rates of saving in the larger Asian economies .

  28. 但在同期内,(据摩根大通(JPMORGAN)计算)贸易加权实际汇率仅上升13%。

    Over the same period the trade-weighted real exchange rate ( calculated by JP Morgan ) appreciated by only 13 per cent .

  29. 而当桥本(hashimoto)政府在1997年试图削减财政赤字时,便出现了经济崩溃和实际财政赤字上升的局面。

    When , in 1997 , the Hashimoto government tried to reduce the fiscal deficits , the economy collapsed and actual fiscal deficits rose .

  30. 这将自我体现在实际利率的上升上。

    This would show itself in rising real interest rates .