
  • 网络Real name authentication;certification
  1. 为了保证交易的安全,各大网络交易第三方支付平台纷纷在自己网站上推出实名认证制度。

    In order to ensure the safety of transactions , the third-party payment companies offer the real-name certification system .

  2. 一位Twitter的发言人说:对于我们的认证过程我们不予评价,但是我们可以确认,这个@wendideng的账号被错误地给予了实名认证,不过时间并不长。

    A Twitter spokesperson said : We don 't comment on our verification process but can confirm that the @ wendi_deng account was mistakenly verified for a short period of time .

  3. 但是面对中央电视台一位记者有关微博有影响力用户(又称“大V”用户,字母“V”代表其账户已经过实名认证)社会职责的提问时,潘石屹突然出现口吃。

    Facing a CCTV reporter 's question about the social responsibilities of influential Weibo users - known as ' Big V 's ' because a letter ' v ' marks their accounts as verified -- Mr. Pan developed a sudden stutter .

  4. 中国政府规定,实名认证必须最迟在3月16日完成。新浪首席执行官曹国伟(CharlesChao)昨日对投资者表示,这将在短期对用户活动造成负面影响。

    The real-name registration requirement , which the Chinese government has said must be completed by March 16 , " will have a negative impact on user activity in the short term , " Charles Chao , chief executive , told investors yesterday .

  5. 北京警方和中国官方电视台中国中央电视台(CCTV)实名认证的社交媒体账户等几家权威信息渠道发布通告称,飞机延误的情况会持续至8月15日,南京和青岛等中国东部地区多个机场将受到影响。

    Several authoritative information outlets , including the verified social media accounts of the Beijing police and state broadcaster China Central Television , published a notice saying the delays would last until August 15 and affect multiple airports across eastern China , including in the former capital of Nanjing and the beach town of Qingdao .

  6. 随后,陈传亮随机选取了10位通过实名认证的新浪微博名人,并对他们的相关统计数据进行分析。

    Later Chen randomly picked 10 celebrity users on Sina Weibo and analyzed their statistics .

  7. 曹国伟表示,40%以上试图完成注册的用户未能通过实名认证检验。

    Mr Chao said more than 40 per cent of users who tried to complete registration failed to pass the identity verification .

  8. 支付宝需要实名认证,但是在高中省人群里,还不是很现实,大学生就好办多了。

    Alipay need real name authentication , but the crowd in high school provincial , not very realistic , easier to handle more students .

  9. 自上周一起,新浪、百度、搜狐等20家国内网络直播平台实施网络主播实名认证,同时承诺不为18岁以下网络主播提供注册通道。

    Since last Monday , 20 Chinese live-streaming sites , including Sina , Baidu and Sohu , have implemented real-name registration for webcasting anchors and promised not to register Internet anchors under the age of 18 .

  10. 前中央电视台主持人崔永元在他实名认证的新浪微博上写道:非法转基因食品都进了超市,农业部还假装不知道呢。

    Illegal GMO products have come into supermarkets , and the agricultural ministry still pretends to be unaware of it , ' Cui Yongyuan , a former TV commentator , wrote on his verified Sina Weibo account .

  11. 通过一套控制互联网使用(同时预防青少年上网成瘾)的“实名认证系统”,中国警方将核对所有想玩网络游戏者的身份证号码。

    Under a " real name verification system " to crack down on Internet usage and prevent Internet addiction among the young Chinese police are to check the identity card numbers of all would-be players of Internet games .

  12. 北京市政府试图先发制人地打消网上的批评。王惠通过新浪微博实名认证账户,发出有关人们帮助陌生人走过积水马路的信息,同时回应了网民关于警方对受困车辆贴罚单的抱怨。

    Beijing authorities attempted to head off criticism online , with Ms. Wang using her verified account on Sina Corp. 's Weibo microblogging service to post messages about people helping strangers cross flooded streets . She also responded to complaints that police were leaving tickets for abandoned vehicles .

  13. 调查指出,婚恋网存在三大主要问题:假红娘的欺骗(57%);名为相亲,实为饭托、酒托(56.6%);实名认证存在漏洞(54.1%)。

    Online dating services suffer from three key issues : fraud committed by fake matchmakers ( 57 percent ) , people pretending to seek love but promoting restaurants or expensive wines instead ( 56.6 percent ) , and loopholes by websites that allow users to be identified ( 54.1 percent ) , the survey shows .

  14. 为解决电子商务中的个人身份认证问题,本文提出了一种基于第二代居民身份证的实名制身份认证方案。

    In order to solve the personal identity authentication problem in e-commerce , this text has proposed a kind of identity authentication scheme of real name based on the second generation of resident card .