
  • 网络Experimental Area;experimental zone
  1. 中国反兴奋剂中心实验区暖通空调设计

    HVAC system design for experimental zone in China Anti-Doping Agency

  2. 初中科学课程实验区师生科学素养的调查研究

    Investigation Research of Student Teacher Scientific Quality in Experimental Zone of Scientific Curriculum in Junior Middle School

  3. 在印度洋实验区,N对浮游植物生长的促进作用明显大于P,而且N、P共同作用对于浮游植物生长的影响明显大于单独的N限制作用。

    In Indian Ocean the co-limiting of N and P has most obvious effect to phytoplankton growth .

  4. 基于MODIS数据的森林可燃物分类方法&以黑龙江省为实验区

    Classifying Method of Forest Fuels by Using MODIS Data & Demonstration in Hei Longjiang Province

  5. 本文以常夏石竹为研究对象,试验用的种子分别来自于黑龙江省亚布力林业局生态园(A)和吉林省北华大学实验区(B)。

    The experiment materials are Dianthus Plumarius , which came from ecology garden of Yabuli forest enterprise ( A ) and Beihua university experimental plot of JiLin Province ( B ) respectively .

  6. 本文以江宁为实验区,用蒙特卡罗方法对所提取的DEM进行不确定性模拟。

    This paper makes use of Monte Carlo method to simulate the uncertainty of extracted DEM using Jiangning as an experimental area .

  7. 重金属Pb元素在实验区群落叶和枝中的平均含量高于对照区,而干含量则和对照区相同;

    Concentration of heavy metal Pb in leaf and branch in experimental community was higher than in contrast community , but it was the same in trunk .

  8. 文章介绍渤海辽东湾SZ36&1油田实验区AI平台丛式并钻井工程概况。

    The cluster drilling engineering general situation of platform AI in the experiment area of oil field SZ 36-1 , Liaodong Bay is introduced .

  9. 以新疆石河子为实验区,比较了BP算法与最大似然法的分类精度,前者的精度提高近10%。

    In our experiment in Shihezi region , Xinjiang , the maximum likelihood classifier and BP neural network classifier are compared for their classification accuracy , the latter exceeds by about 10 % .

  10. 基于对所采集的气象数据的分析,对实验区内一些传统的农作物种植制度、种植结构、作物品种进行了调整和改革。通过3a的实验和推广,当地农民得到了实惠增加了收益。

    According to analysis of the basic meteorological data , some traditional planting system , planting patterns and varieties were reformed and changed .

  11. 这些图像相关性小,地表覆盖信息丰富,提高了全极化SAR数据在实验区信息提取的准确度。分类结果表明,这种方法大幅度提高了全极化SAR数据用于实验区土地覆盖分类的精度。

    The classification result shows that the method can effectively extract the information of land cover , achieve relatively good classification accuracy of ground objects and improve the capability of SAR for monitoring the land use and cover .

  12. 本文利用MODIS土地利用分类数据(MOD12Q1),应用马里兰植被分类方法提取出东北农作物区域作为最终的实验区。

    In this paper , the author used MODIS land classification data ( MOD12Q1 ) classified the Northeast region as the final crop experimental area .

  13. 实验区产干草比对照区增加42.22%,比附近种植燕麦农户的平均3780kgHM2增加20.4%。

    The experiment increased 42.22 % and 20.4 % than the control and the average production of nearby farmers which produced 3780kg / hm 2 respectively .

  14. 本研究以大亚湾为实验区,以陆地卫星TM数据为信息源,结合表层海水叶绿素浓度实测资料建立模型。

    Some models for estimating chlorophyll concentration are developed in this study by taking Daya Bay as an experimental site and Landsat-5 TM ( Thematic Mapper ) data as information resources , and combining the survey data of chlorophyll concentration in the surface coastal water .

  15. 新西兰大耳白兔10只背部脱毛,每只形成3个分开的相同大小随机实验区,作为SGS、MT-SGS和空白对照,观察原发性皮肤刺激实验。

    10 New Zealand white rabbits were depilated in back , randomly formed three same size segregate zones ( the control zone , SGS zone , MT-SGS zone ) and observed primarily cutaneous stimulation .

  16. 长春净月潭遥感实验区玉米遥感估产模式研究

    The Study on Pattern of Maize Yield Estimation by Remote Sensing

  17. 机器人正把人哄赶到实验区。

    The robots were herding the people into the testing areas .

  18. 自然保护区实验区的合理利用及实现途径

    Rational Utilization & Approach for the Experimental Zones of Nature Reserves

  19. 福州海峡两岸农业合作实验区的现状与展望

    States and prospect of cross-strait agricultural cooperation sample plot in Fuzhou

  20. 陕西省宝鸡市基础教育课程改革实验区课改现状调查与对策研究

    Investigation and Countermeasure of Elementary Education Curriculum Reform in Bao Ji

  21. 对课改实验区日常学业考试的述评

    On the Daily Achievement Test in the Experimental Area of Curriculum Innovation

  22. 沈阳经济区作为第八个国家新型工业化综合配套改革实验区。

    Shenyang is the eighth new-type comprehensive industrialization reform pilot in China .

  23. 萨东过渡带实验区储层的岩心分析及保护

    The oil formation core analysis and protection in Sadong transition experiment area

  24. 黑河实验区的地表反射率与植被指数

    Surface Albedo and Vegetation Index of Heihe Experimental Area from AVHRR Data

  25. 黑河实验区的自然地理状况及气候背景

    The nature geography state and climate background in the Heihe Experimental Region

  26. 这个农场位于一个地震预测实验区的中心

    This farms lies at the centre of an intriguing experiment

  27. 作者以洞庭湖为实验区,研究了利用ETM+数据监测湖区水体水质情况的方法和技术。

    The author used this method to monitoring water quality of Dongting Lake .

  28. 江苏无锡惠北实验区进行的农村合作医疗保健村实验,在汲取了定县医疗保健实验的有效经验基础上,作了进一步创新。

    The Jiangsu Wuxi favors the rural cooperatives-medical care experiment has further innovated .

  29. 社会发展综合实验区的评估理论和方法

    On the assessment theory and method of the comprehensive experimental community for sustainable development

  30. 中国可持续发展的实验区建设及其理论思考

    The thinking on the theory and construction of sustainable developmental experiment zone in China