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  • 网络Hazael
  1. 约哈斯年间,亚兰王哈薛屡次欺压以色列人。

    Hazael king of Aram oppressed Israel throughout the reign of Jehoahaz .

  2. 哈薛说,我主为什么哭。

    Why is my lord weeping ? 'asked Hazael .

  3. 亚兰王哈薛死了,他儿子便哈达接续他作王。

    Hazael king of Aram died , and Ben-Hadad his son succeeded him as king .

  4. 我却要降火在哈薛的家中,烧灭便哈达的宫殿。

    I will send fire upon the house of Hazael that will consume the fortresses of Ben-Hadad .

  5. 神人定睛看著哈薛、甚致他惭愧.神人就哭了。

    And he settled his countenance stedfastly , until he was ashamed : and the man of God wept .

  6. 于是哈薛用四十个骆驼,驮着大马色的各样美物为礼物,去见以利沙。

    Hazael went to meet Elisha , taking with him as a gift forty camel-loads of all the finest wares of Damascus .

  7. 示每的儿子是示罗密,哈薛,哈兰三人。这是拉但族的族长。

    The sons of shimei : shelomoth and haziel and haran , three ; these were the heads of the families of ladan .

  8. 哈薛说、你仆人算甚麽、不过是一条狗。焉能行这大事呢。

    And Hazael said , how is it possible that your servant , who is only a dog , will do this great thing ?

  9. 将来躲避哈薛之刀的,必被耶户所杀。躲避耶户之刀的,必被以利沙所杀。

    Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael , and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu .

  10. 次日,哈薛拿被窝浸在水中,蒙住王的脸,王就死了。

    But the next day he took a thick cloth , soaked it in water and spread it over the king 's face , so that he died .

  11. 约兰王回到耶斯列,医治在拉末与亚兰王哈薛打仗的时候所受的伤。

    And king Joram went back to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him at Ramah , when he fought against Hazael king of Syria .

  12. 神给了以利亚一个新的指示“你回去,从旷野往大马士革去。到了那里,就要膏哈薛作亚兰王”(列王记上19:15)。

    God gave Elijah a new assignment . " Go back the way you came , and go to the Desert of Damascus . When you get there , anoint Hazael king over Aram " ( I Kings 19:15 ) .

  13. 王就吩咐哈薛说,你带着礼物去见神人,托他求问耶和华,我这病能好不能好。

    Then the king said to hazael , take an offering with you , and go to see the man of God and get directions from the LORD by him , saying , am I going to get better from my disease ?

  14. 哈薛说,你仆人算什么,不过是一条狗,焉能行这大事呢?以利沙回答说,耶和华指示我,你必作亚兰王。

    And Hazael said , how is it possible that your servant , who is only a dog , will do this great thing ? And Elisha said , the Lord has made it clear to me that you will be king over aram .