- Hal;Haar;Khar

There is a great deal to learn from Hal 's expert approach .
Prince Hal calls Falstaff a " whoreson impudent out , like a boil in Henry IV Part 1 . 10 .
Estimate XML containment join size using weighted Haar wavelet
Haar matrixs iterative algorithm is indicated , and the MATLAB function is given .
( one is on sitcom-king chuck Lorre of two and a half men fame , the other on video-game voiceover actor Jennifer Hale ) .
The weighed haar wavelet method has smaller mean relative error than previous containment join methods under the same space budget .
The proposal follows a public campaign on Facebook to give Finland the Halditcohkka peak of Halti Mountain .
Implementing Haar wavelet based soft shadow rendering algorithm on GPU
The Equivalent Definition of Haar Condition in Best Uniform Approximation Theory
He plays an astronaut aboard an international space station who has to contend with a HAL-like computer .
One thing of being a high-end broker is we have to protect the privacy of our clients , said Hall F. Willkie , president of Brown Harris Stevens .
Had pointed out the Fourier transformation is opposite in the wavelet transformation shortcoming , has studied Haar ( Hall ) the wavelet base multi-resolution analysis production .
Hal Varian , chief economist for Google : ' The biggest impact on the world will be universal access to all human knowledge .
Hal Jones , our CFO , and I agreed that the stock might go up , and it might go down .
By using Mexican-hat wavelet and Haar wavelet transform , the abrupt change points of Chinese temperature in the last 120 years are discussed .
Here , someone identified as Dzhokhar writes , " God hates dead people ? Or victims of tragedies LOL.
In her instructive series of videos about design research , Erika Hall , co-founder and director of strategy at Mule Design , reminds fledgling entrepreneurs to research adding value to the world , not just focus on creating something cool .
The Germans were not really buying power & they were buying price decline , said Hal Harvey , who heads an energy think tank in San Francisco .
When Hal Varian arrived at Google as a part-time economic adviser in 2002 , he asked the then chief executive , Eric Schmidt , how he might make himself useful .
For over a thousand years , Al-Azhar has stood as a beacon of Islamic learning , and for over a century , Cairo University has been a source of Egypt 's advancement .
One of the most influential Sunni clerics , the Sheikh of al-Azhar in Cairo , has condemned attacks on protesters taking refuge in mosques .
Mr. Greenhalgh says the subject was not an Italian noblewoman , but a check-out girl named Alison who worked at a supermarket in Bolton outside Manchester in northwest England .
China is taking every opportunity , however futile , to express its dissatisfaction with the miners , said Rafael Halpin , analyst at Steel Business Briefing in Shanghai . But I 'm not sure what they could do in reality .
Ms May also proposed visa restrictions for Brazilians , which she put on hold after protests from cabinet members and Robert Halfon , Tory MP and co-chairman of the British-Brazil parliamentary group .
Considering the spatial geometric significance of two-phase flow patterns and using the differential pressure gauge as a sensor , the Strouhal number Sr is taken as the basis for distinguishing flow patterns . Using Strouhal number Sr to identify flow pattern has clear physical meaning .
As far as high number of IAS is concerned , it is only because people of Bihar do not have other options like business etc so they generally try for that ( IAS ) .
Shaun Greenhalgh , the notorious British art forger who is thought to have created fakes that spanned centuries of art history , has declared it to be his work .
There is an urgent need for exporters to incorporate scenarios in which the euro collapses into their strategic planning process , given the potential balance sheet implications , says Philip Halpin , economic adviser to the association .
The Har-Nuur Fault is of NNW-direction right-lateral strike-slip , with the length of 480 km . The fault is obviously active since Holocene ( Qh ), and there are signs of the latest faulting on the alluvial fans of Quaternary .
Hall , like many experts lending their voices to Zana 's talent pool , offers sound advice at a time when founders are ( sometimes rightly ) mocked for waxing poetic about making the world a better place .