
  1. 中方愿与英方站在新的历史起点上,加强两国政治互信,深化各领域合作,扩大战略共识和利益,推动两国关系不断向前发展,促进世界的和平、稳定和繁荣。

    As the new Chinese Ambassador to Britain , my mission is to work with the British side to enhance dialogue , deepen cooperation in key areas and expand mutual understanding and trust .

  2. 中方已将鞋类问题列入一项更为宽泛的申诉,称欧盟将中方看来站不住脚的反倾销理由,强加给从钢材到蜡烛等一系列产品。

    They have cited footwear as part of a broader complaint about what they view as spurious anti-dumping claims imposed by the EU against a range of goods , from steel to candles .