
  • 网络chinese modern architecture
  1. 进入二十一世纪的中国近代建筑史研究

    Research on Chinese Modern Architecture History in the 21st Century

  2. 梁思成的中国近代建筑研究初探

    Liang Sicheng 's Research on Chinese Modern Architecture History

  3. 留学生与中国近代建筑形式的发展

    The Returned Students and the Architecture Development of Modern China

  4. 中国近代建筑文化环境与近代建筑发展求索

    Views on Chinese architectural culture environment and development of architecture in early twenty-century

  5. 中国近代建筑的中国观&以沈阳近代建筑为例

    Chinese Outlook on Modern Chinese Architecture : Case Study of Shenyang Modern Architecture

  6. 中国近代建筑的中国观初探

    Primary Discussion about Chinese View in China Modern Architecture

  7. 朱启钤在中国近代建筑史上乃至中国近代史上都是一个非常重要的人物。

    Zhu qi qian was all-important personality in Chinese modern architecture history-even in Chinese modern history .

  8. 工业文明与中国近代建筑文化

    Modern Chinese Architectural Culture with Industrialization

  9. 这一现象也说明,中国近代建筑史应当从思想史的角度加以分析。

    Besides , modern Chinese architectural history should be analyzed in the scope of intellectual history .

  10. 在中国近代建筑史上,青岛德占时期的建筑具有特殊的地位。

    Qingdao architectures have a special position constructed in the Germany-occupied period in Chinese architecture history of modern times .

  11. 对海南近代建筑历史乃至中国近代建筑历史的研究具有特殊的社会与文化意义。

    The research of Hainan Modern Architectural History and the Chinese Modern Architectural History has special social and cultural significance .

  12. 中国近代建筑的优秀杰作&略议民国时期代表建筑风格

    Excellence Masterpiece of Chinese Modern Architecture & Brief comment on style of representative building in period of the Public of China

  13. 东北大学创办的建筑系是中国近代建筑教育史上第二个建筑系。

    The department of architecture set up by Northeastern University is the second architectural department in modern Chinese architectural education history .

  14. 多元渗透同步进展&论早期西方建筑对中国近代建筑产生多元化影响的渠道

    Multivariate Infiltration , Synchronized Progress & The Channels of Multivariate Affection of Western Architecture in the Early Stage on Modern Chinese Architecture

  15. 通过本课题的深入,可望为中国近代建筑史研究增添一些新的资料,希望能填补这一缺环,并且深化对中国近代建筑转型复杂性的认识。

    The dissertation will add some new materials to Chinese modern architectural history and deepen the cognition on the complexity of Chinese modern architectural transformation .

  16. 关于中国近代建筑之认识&写在中国近代建筑史研究国际合作20年之际

    Cognition on Chinese Modern Architecture & Writing on the Occasion of the 20 Years ' International Cooperation in the Research on Chinese Modern Architecture History

  17. 试图突破既有的中国近代建筑历史研究范式,为中国近代建筑历史研究提供新的切入点和研究视角。

    This essay intends to break through the former study pattern and offers a new angle of view for the research of Chinese modern architectural history .

  18. 教会学校是中国近代建筑史中特殊的建筑类型,其发展与演变对中国近代建筑有着深刻的影响,其中,广州教会学校发展最早也最为典型。

    In Chinese modern architecture history , missionary school being a special type of architecture , its development and evolution has profound influences on modern architecture in China .

  19. 当前,对相对薄弱的内陆省份近代建筑的研究已经开始受到关注,成为当前中国近代建筑研究的主要趋势之一。

    Presently , the relatively weak research on inland areas ' modern architecture starts to obtain attention and becomes one of the main tendencies of current Chinese modern architecture research .

  20. 民国时期的建筑是中国近代建筑的重要组成部分,风格多种多样,功能种类繁多,有着较高的文化价值、经济价值和情感价值。

    The architecture of this period , which has large variety in styles and function , is of great value in culture , economy and emotion , and is an important component of the modern construction .

  21. 中国近代建筑发展可以分为两个主要方向:传统建筑的延续和西方建筑殖民式侵入并与中国本土建筑逐渐融合产生中西合璧的建筑形式。

    China 's modern building development can be divided into two main directions : Traditional continuity and western building invaded , then merged together . It produced Chinese and Western building form gradually with China native building .

  22. 作为中国近代建筑教育的先驱者和实践者,东北大学建筑系凝聚了梁思成、林徽因、童寯、陈植等一大批著名的建筑教育学家的心血。

    It accumulated the painstaking effort of large number of famous architectural educationalist , the pioneer and practician for modern Chinese architectural education , as Liang Sicheng , Lin Huiyin , Tong Jun , and Chen Zhi , etc.

  23. 这里所谓西方建筑思潮,是指十九世纪以来曾对中国近代建筑体系的形成产生过影响的西方(主要指欧美国家)主流建筑思想。

    The architectural trends in the West used here means the main trends which have influenced the formation of modern architectural system of China , and which emerged after the 19th century chiefly in Europe and the United States .

  24. 通过系统分析房地产业与中国近代建筑演变之间的关系,揭示了资本主义市场经济在建筑技术进步和现代建筑风格兴起过程中的巨大作用;

    This essay reveals the influence of the capitalistic market economy on the development of architectural technology and the evolve-ment of architectural styles through systematic analysis of the relationship between real estate industry and the development of architecture in 1920s and 1930s .

  25. 第四,通过分析抗战大后方的建筑思潮和理论特征,以及特殊时期的建筑教育的特殊发展特点,最终力图使本研究成果能进一步拓宽中国近代建筑史的研究范畴。

    Fourthly , by analyzing the architectural thoughts and theoretical features at the rear area of the war , as well as the development features of architectural education , it is expected to expand the research scope of modern architectural history in this research .

  26. 中国近代历史建筑保护与修复的研究

    Research on Protection and Preservation of Modern Historic Buildings in China

  27. 中国近代以来建筑教育中技术课程的比重研究

    Study on the Proportion of Technical Courses in Chinese Architectural Education Since the Mid-19th Century

  28. 作者通过对文献研究,分析了中国近代城市建筑防空自起始时的发展脉络。

    In this paper , the authors analyzed the development of skeleton of air defence for Chinese modern city architecture .

  29. 自二十世纪三十年代以后随着抗日战争的发展,中国近代城市建筑防空技术的研究得到了较为广泛的重视。

    From1930s , along with the War of Resistance Against Japan , the technology of air defence for modern city architecture had more importance .

  30. 论中国现存西洋近代建筑的旅游开发

    Tourist exploitation of the extant modern western buildings in China