
  • 网络flood resources utilization;floodwater utilization
  1. 水库的预报、分期、分级调度是节省水资源、洪水资源化的有效手段。

    To forecast and dispatch by stages and levels is an efficient method for saving water resources and flood resources utilization .

  2. 天津市洪水资源化对策研究

    Research on Strategy of Flood Resources Utilization in Tianjin

  3. 关于黑河流域洪水资源化问题的分析探讨

    Analysis and Exploration on Flood Water Resources in Heihe River Basin

  4. 入库洪水资源化问题的研究与应用

    Research on the Problem of Reservior Flood Resource and its Application

  5. 水库洪水资源化调度关键技术研究

    Key Technological Problems of Flood Water Resources Utilizing in Reservoir Operation

  6. 洪水资源化与湿地恢复研究

    Study on wetland restoration based on utilization of flood resources

  7. 抬高水库汛限水位的洪水资源化利用研究

    Study on Flood-Water Resources Utilization by Raising up the Flood Control Level

  8. 基于水库防洪预报调度图的洪水资源化方法

    Floodwater resources utilization based on flood forecast information of reservoir operation chart

  9. 天津市雨洪水资源化利用的探讨和研究

    Approach and Study on Resource Utilization of Rain Flood in Tianjing City

  10. 三峡水库洪水资源化多目标决策评价模型

    Multi-objective decision making evaluation model for floodwater utilization in Three Gorges Reservoir

  11. 白城市洪水资源化探讨

    Discussion of Getting Resources from Blood in Baicheng City

  12. 洪水资源化的实现途径及手段探讨

    Approach to Ways and Means for Reclamation of Floods

  13. 利用月亮泡水库实现嫩江洪水资源化的可能性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Flood Water Utilization for Nenjiang River by Use of Moon-bubble Reservoir

  14. 树立防汛抗旱新理念努力实现洪水资源化

    Persist in New Conception of Flood Control and Drought Relief , Implement Flood Water Utilization

  15. 海河流域洪水资源化利用初析

    Flood Resources Utilization Analysis in Haihe Watershed

  16. 水库洪水资源化调度初探

    Discussions on Flood water Utilization from Reservoirs

  17. 长江洪水资源化思考

    Possible Floodwater Utilization of the Yangtze River

  18. 水库洪水资源化调度方案优选智能方法与应用

    Intelligent Methods and Their Applications to Optimal Selection of Schemes for Floodwater Utilization by Reservoir Operation

  19. 城市洪水资源化研究

    Study on utilization of urban floods

  20. 水库作为重要的防洪工程措施,在洪水资源化方面发挥了重要的作用。

    Reservoirs as an important flood control structural measure play an important role in flood resources utilization .

  21. 为了统筹解决这两个问题,提出天津市洪水资源化。

    To solve these two problems overall , flood water resources utilization is put forward in Tianjin .

  22. 现有的研究只是从宏观概念上剖析洪水资源化的意义、途径。

    So far , there are some researches about floodwater resources utilization , however , most of them are on the concept .

  23. 洪水资源化是洪水管理的一项重要内容,也是解决水资源短缺危机的一个重要途径。

    The utilization of floodwater is an important issue for flood management , and an important measure to solve the crisis of water resource scarcity .

  24. 接着探讨了洪水资源化利用的工程和非工程途径,指出了洪水资源开发性提高的措施。

    Then , the structural and non-structural measurements of flood utilization are discussed , and points out the method of improving exploitability of flood resources in the following .

  25. 水情调度信息系统是科学、合理地调度、利用雨洪,最大限度的实现洪水资源化管理的重要手段。

    Information system of flood regulation is an important measure to regulate and utilize rain flood scientifically and rationally in order to realize the maximum management of flood utilization .

  26. 安康水库分级超蓄的洪水资源化方法及其风险二维水动力学洪水风险分析平台设计与研发

    GRADING DYNAMIC CONTROL ON RESERVOIR WATER LEVEL IN FLOOD SEASON AND ITS APPLICATION ON ANKANG RESERVOIR Design and development of 2-D hydraulic modeling system for flood risk analysis and mapping

  27. 洪水资源化是利用洪水的资源特性,缓解水资源短缺,减少水旱灾害损失,实现水资源可持续开发利用的重要措施。

    Flood resources utilization is an important measure to exert flood resources characteristic , lessen water resources shortage , reduce waterlog and drought losses , and actualize continuable development of water resources .

  28. 以三峡水库洪水资源化问题为背景,对三峡水库的多种汛限水位组合方案,建立了多目标决策运行的指标体系。

    Taking the floodwater utilization of Three Gorges Reservoir as an example , the criteria system was proposed based on multi-alternatives combined with the flood limit water level of Three Gorges Reservoir which satisfied the safety restriction .

  29. 蓄洪是洪水资源化的基础,应在完善流域水库网络体系的基础上,考虑人工控湖工程,特别要重视蓄洪区建设,通过给水让地,实现以土地换和平和洪水资源化;

    The storing of floodwater , the basis of floodwater utilization , should be perfected on the valley reservoir network system and at the same time , manpower control should be important in the lake project as well as storing floodwater district construction .

  30. 近几年洪水资源化问题一直是国内外学术界研究的热点,尤其是在水库汛限水位动态控制方面,许多学者做了大量工作。

    Utilization of flood resources is always regarded as the hot spot of academic circles recently , especially , which is obvious in the fields of controlling dynamically the limited level of reservoirs on which much research has been done by many scholars .