
  1. 所有经历了这场火灾的员工都毫发无损,但周江疆却倒在楼梯上再也没能逃出火海。

    All the employees went through the accident unscathed , but Zhou collapsed on the stairs and never fled the fatal disaster .

  2. 富二代通常被批评为懒散、傲慢、甚至堕落,而周江疆的事迹表明,富二代同样有责任感。

    The rich second generation is always criticized as being idle , arrogant and even depraved . Zhou 's case showed that they can be just as responsible .

  3. 周江疆的父亲杨国星是该建筑公司董事长,也是南通市房地产大亨。这位父亲说,作为公司的负责人说,他的儿子履行了自己的职责。

    Zhou 's father Yang Guoxing , chairman of the board of directors of the company and a real estate tycoon in Nantong , said his son fulfilled his responsibility as the head of the company .

  4. 有帖子说,周江疆是典型的富二代:80后,家境富裕,家产继承人。

    Some postings said Zhou was a typical man among the rich second generation - those Chinese born in rich families after the 1980s , who tend to be eligible to inherit money and assets from their parents .