
  • 网络enhance law-based government administration
  1. 关于行政许可法对法治政府建设影响的若干思考

    Influence of law of administration admits on the development of law government

  2. 构筑政府信用体系推进法治政府建设

    Establishing Government Credit System and Promoting Law Construction

  3. 当前,法治政府建设正在不断向纵深推进与发展。

    At recent time , the legislative government construction is developing increasingly in depth .

  4. 西部大开发过程中的法治政府建设研究

    Research on the Construction of the Government by Law during the Development of the Western Region

  5. 研究法治政府建设具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    The research about the construction of legal government has important realistic meaning and theory value .

  6. 提高规范性文件制定质量推进法治政府建设

    Improving the Quality of Standard Documents and Promoting the Construction of a Government Ruled by Law

  7. 与此同时,法治政府建设特别是行政程序法建设勃兴。

    Meanwhile , the construction of government based ruled by law grows vigorously , especially the construction of administrative procedure .

  8. 我国法治政府建设的检视与路径展望&以行政行为的全面规范化为视角

    The Inspection and Prospect of Legal Government Construction in China : in View of the Comprehensive Standardization of Administrative Actions

  9. 政府规范性文件质量高低,直接关系到依法治国和法治政府建设的进程。

    The quality of the government regulatory documents is directly related to the process of running the country according to law .

  10. 从法律的依据到法律的规范:法治政府建设之关键

    From the Law 's Accordance to the Law 's Norms : The Key of Building the Government Under the Rule of Law

  11. 湖南省近年来在法治政府建设的地方行政立法上面有较大突破,获得了普遍关注。

    In recent years , the Hunan province government has made great breakthrough in the field of regional administrative legislation which received broad attention .

  12. 国务院《关于加强法治政府建设的意见》的出台,对依法行政提出了新的要求。

    Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening the Building of a Government Ruled by Law , Administration according to law has put forward new demands .

  13. 公务员权利救济的现状,是一国公务员法制和法治政府建设状况的真实反映。

    The current situation of rights remedy of civil servants is the true reflection of construction progress of legal system of civil servants and government by law .

  14. 了解政府信息公开的价值取向,具体来说,就是指政府信息公开对法治政府建设之价值。

    Understand the publicity of government information , value orientation , specifically , is refers to the government information publicity of government by law construction of value .

  15. 我国的法治政府建设取得了重要进展,但也面临不少困难和问题。

    The construction of government under the rule of law in China has made a great progress ; meanwhile , it also faces many difficulties and problems .

  16. 构建县级法治政府建设指标体系是推进法治政府进程和贯彻科学发展观的需要,是提高行政机关工作人员依法行政水平的重要方法。

    Construction of county level government by law construction index system is to promote the rule of law government process and implement the scientific outlook on development needs .

  17. 行政主导型模式存在合法性不足、缺乏充分的外部监督等缺陷,难以推动法治政府建设取得更大实效。

    However , the executive-led mode lacks of adequate external supervision and other defects , so it is difficult to put the government legal system construction into the next step to achieve greater effectiveness .

  18. 同时,借鉴国外法治政府建设的经验,分析其特点,总结对我国法治政府建设的启示。

    At the same time , drawing on the experience of foreign rule of law and government construction , analysis of its characteristics , summarizes the construction of our rule of law , the government revealed .

  19. 法治政府建设是法治国家方略的核心组成部分,对其进行研究具有深刻的现实意义。

    It takes sense to do researches on the construction of the Government under the rule of Law , because it is the key portion of the policy to be a Country under the rule of Law .

  20. 2010年国务院发布《关于加强法治政府建设的意见》,提出要完善行政决策风险评估机制。

    In 2010 , the state council issued the opinions on strengthening the construction of the government under the rule of law , in which puts forward to want to perfect the administrative decision-making risk evaluation mechanism .

  21. 调整和重构政府与社会、市场、中介机构和行业组织关系,从全能政府走向适度政府,是法治政府建设的基本内容;

    Regulation and reconstruction of the relation between government and society , market , agency , trade organization , together with omnipotent government to moderate government , are the basic content of the construction of law-ruling government .

  22. 最后从各参与主体&公众、专家和政府展开,阐明了个主体的优势与制约性,为完善法治政府建设中的公众参与提出了一些有意的思考。

    Finally , from all participation in the main-the public , experts and government to start to clarify the main advantages and constraints , some deliberate thinking to improve the rule of law , public participation in government construction .

  23. 认识和实践统一市场、统一政府和统一法制的逻辑关系,通过法制统一实现政府统一,是法治政府建设的重要选择。

    We should recognize and fulfill the logic relation between uniform market , uniform government and uniform law ruling , and realize the unification of governments by means of the unification of law ruling , which is the important choice of the construction of law-ruling government .

  24. 这样不仅提高了县级法治政府建设指标体系的科学性与全面性,而且切合了县级政府作为一级管理政府的实际,更加体现了法治政府服务为民的价值取向。

    It not only improves the scientificalness and comprehensiveness in building index system of county government ruled by law construction , and suit the practical condition of county government as the front government , and reflect more of the value orientation of serving the people of government ruled by law .

  25. 法治政府的建设需要政府律师参与政府履行职责的各个环节,提升政府依法行政的整体水平和社会公信力。

    Building the governance by law requires the government lawyers to be involved in all aspects of government , improve the overall level of government according to law and social credibility .

  26. 法治政府的建设不应该停留于一个空洞的口号,而应该有一个系统的、切实可行的、具有操作性的指标体系来保障其施行和实现。

    The government building of the rule of law should not remain an empty slogan , but should have a systematic , practical , operational indicator system to guarantee its implementation and realization .

  27. 法治政府的建设已经成为各级政府的一项重要议题,在此基础上兴起了一股法治地区建设的浪潮。

    The construction of government ruled by law has become an important issue at all levels of governments , and based on this , the rise of the regions ruled by law in the trend of construction .

  28. 依法按政策行政原则作为行政管理活动中不可避免的原则,深刻影响着我国行政机关的行政执法活动,也影响着法治政府的建设。

    Administration by policies under the guidance of the principle of legal has become an inevitable principle in the administrative activities . This principle affects the administration and the construction of government administration based on the rule of law deeply .

  29. 法治政府的评价标准,是法治政府建设目标的进一步具体化、展开和延伸,也是衡量一个国家法治政府实现程度的标尺。

    The evaluation standard for a government with rule of law means the goals of building a government with rule of law being further specified , spread and extended , and also a standard for measuring the degree of realizing a government with rule of law .

  30. 规划和纲要为建设法治政府提供了具有导向性的目标,使法治政府建设有章可循,有规可依。

    Planning and outline provide a oriented goal for the construction of the government under law , so that the construction of the government under law is rule-based .