
  1. 最具建筑学意义的建筑也许是20世纪20年代由学者兼考古学家埃内斯特·艾伯(ErnestHebrard)建造的,他把法式建筑风格与亚洲的建筑细节融于一体。

    Perhaps the most architecturally significant buildings were built in the 1920s by Ernest Hebrard , a scholar and archaeologist who merged French building styles with Asian details .

  2. 这座房子是座拥有百年历史的法式建筑。

    There is an old building of French style situated at No.72 Chifeng Road of Tianjin .

  3. 没错,瓷器是中国文化的一个象征,正如同说起法式建筑,很多人会想到严谨的造型和古典的风格。

    Actually porcelain is a symbol of the Chinese culture , just as precision and antiquity that of French architecture .

  4. 同时天津也深深地被法国文化影响,很多建筑中都体现出了法式建筑风格,但地道的法国餐厅在这里并不多见。

    Of course , Tianjin has been greatly influenced by France and many building show French architecture , but there are rare authentic French restaurants in this city .

  5. 我一直都非常痴迷于城堡,我热爱法式装饰和哥特式建筑。

    I 'm obsessed with castles and I love French decor and goth .

  6. 我们视为尊贵无比的《营造法式》对中国建筑界的统治应该结束了!

    We as a magnitude of the french of the construction industry to chinese rule should be over !

  7. 最后文章从“框架”、“类属”和“关系”三个层面的形式操作对两座分别按照柱式和法式标准制作的建筑进行剖析。

    In the end , two building that follow the two principles respectively are to be anatomized , follow three levels of formal operation & taxis , genera and symmetry .