
  1. 适合环保及消防要求,适用于∶电视背景墙、KTV、DISCO、酒店、办公室会所、走廊、门框、天花、房地产装饰的首选产品。

    Suitable for environmental protection , fire controling : TV background , KTV , DISCO , hotel , office , slype , doorcase , variola , building material decorate .

  2. 可制作电视背景墙、沙发背景墙、床头背景、卧室艺术墙、书房文化墙、玄关图案、天花装饰、家具表面装饰等。

    Can produce TV setting wall , sofa setting wall , the head of a bed , wall art background , bedroom wall study culture , porch design , smallpox decoration , furniture surface decoration etc.