
  • Hall of Fame;HOF;walk of fame
  1. 尼科尔斯在1949年正式入选名人堂。

    Nichols was recognized by the Hall of Fame in 1949 .

  2. 这位名人堂候选成员将目光锁定在了NBA解说员的岗位。

    He 's a potential Hall of Fame candidate who has his eyes set on becoming an NBA broadcaster .

  3. 把他从英国文学的名人堂中除名就像卢浮宫卖掉《蒙娜丽莎》一样不可能发生。

    Removing him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa .

  4. 上次拿到这个得分的是在1981年10月,底特律活塞队伊塞亚托马斯(NBA名人堂球员)。

    The last to do so was Isiah Thomas , the Detroit Pistons Hall of Fame point guard , in October 1981 .

  5. 上次拿到这个得分的是在1981年10月,底特律活塞队伊塞亚·托马斯(NBA名人堂球员)。

    The last to do so was Isiah Thomas , the Detroit Pistons ' Hall of Fame point guard , in October 1981 .

  6. 公园旁边还有个旅游胜地,即占地94000平方英尺的大学足球名人堂(CollegeFootballHallofFame),等到秋天,全美大学体育协会(NCAA)赛季开始时同期开馆。—

    Another parkside attraction , the 94000-square-foot College Football Hall of Fame , is expected to open in time for fall kickoff of the N.C.A.A. season . -

  7. Paul是少数几个能在摇滚名人堂纪念馆中拥有永久独立展览的音乐家之一。

    Among his many honors , Paul is one of a handful of artists with a permanent , stand-alone exhibit in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame .

  8. 在进入篮球名人堂之前,特雷西-麦克格雷迪用他在sneakergame上无可置疑的表现帮助自己加入了球鞋名人堂。

    Before he enters the Basketball Hall of Fame , Tracy McGrady 's impeccable sneaker game earns him an induction into the KICKS HOF .

  9. 采取步行游览市中心的HB和发现的主要像冲浪名人堂步行街购物,餐饮和历史加州网站。

    Take a walking tour of downtown HB and discover Main Street shopping , dining and historic California sites like the Surfing Walk of Fame .

  10. 但是名人堂CEO约翰•多莱瓦透露,姚明的经纪人约翰•维辛加的确在周三早上给他打过电话,要求搁置姚明在明年的名人堂提名资格。

    But Hall of Fame president and CEO John Doleva said Yao 's agent , John Huizinga , called Wednesday morning to request that Yao 's nomination be tabled for now .

  11. 周一,库克在被列入其家乡阿拉巴马州的名人堂(AlabamaAcademyofHonor)的时候表示,阿拉巴马州“在平等方面的进步过于缓慢”。

    On Monday , as he was inducted into the Alabama Academy of Honor , Mr Cook said the state had taken " too long to take steps toward equality . "

  12. 如果一个被发现在比赛中有不法行为的运动员必须支付一段五分钟视频的制作费用,视频取名为《国家棒球名人堂》(NationalBaseballHallofFame),用来昭示他的过错,运动员的行为会有所改观吗?

    Would the behavior of athletes change if those convicted of crimes against their sport had to pay for the creation of a five-minute video for , say , the National Baseball Hall of Fame , showcasing their guilt ?

  13. Robinson于是在1947年的比赛中上场了。同年,另一位黑人,同时也是名人堂成员之一的LarryDoby,为克里夫兰印第安人队效力。

    Robinson was called up to play in 1947 , the same year Larry Doby , another black American and hall of famer , played for the Cleveland Indians .

  14. 小沃顿,是著名中锋(名人堂)比尔沃顿的儿子,从小就是凯尔特人的忠实粉丝。出色的传球天赋,和篮球IQ使小沃顿成了一个任劳任怨的场上帮手。

    LukeWalton , the son of Hall of Famer Bill , grew up a green and whitebleeding Celtics fan whose keen passing abilities and unrivaledbasketball IQ make him an invaluable contributer .

  15. 然而,名人堂成员麦迪认为,他们的麻烦应该被归咎于主教练比利·多诺万,他在ESPN的《TheJump》节目中说。

    However , Hall of Famer Tracy McGrady feels that their troubles thus far should be pinned on head coach Billy Donovan during an appearance on ESPN 's The Jump :

  16. 包括NBA传奇人物雷·艾伦、格兰特·希尔、贾森·基德和史蒂夫·纳什在内的13名新成员已经于周五晚上入选奈史密斯篮球名人堂。

    Thirteen new members - including NBA legends Ray Allen , Grant Hill , Jason Kidd and Steve Nash - have been inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Friday night .

  17. 前NBA球星以及未来的名人堂成员科比·布莱恩特与资深动画师葛连·基恩一同制作了短片“亲爱的篮球”,并最终凭借此片在周日晚赢得了奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖!

    Former NBA player and future Hall of Famer Kobe Bryant won the Academy Award for Animated Short on Sunday night along with veteran animator Glen Keane for the project " Dear Basketball . "

  18. 奈史密斯篮球名人堂成员、NBA前全明星球员姚明于本周四全票当选中国篮协主席。

    Yao Ming , member of Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and former NBA all-star player , was unanimously voted as the president of the Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) here on Thursday .

  19. 其中有两位运动员似乎永远也不可能在一起组队。其中一个是六次最有价值球员、六次总冠军和NBA得分榜领先者的名人堂成员。

    Among them are two NBA players unlikely to ever be grouped together . One is a six-time MVP , a six-time champion and basketball Hall of Famer who is the NBA 's all-time leading scorer .

  20. 主要成就:1次总决赛MVP(1969),14次全明星,12次最佳阵容,5次最佳防守阵容,名人堂成员,1次总冠军(1972)

    Honors : Finals MVP ( 1969 ) , 14-time All-Star , 12-time All-NBA selection , five-time All-D selection , Hall of Fame , 1 championships ( 1972 )

  21. Srinivasan和Wynne于2002年入选全国发明家名人堂。

    Blum , Srinivasan and Wynne were inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in2002 .

  22. 如果麦迪能够一直保持健康,他就有可能会获得一到两座的MVP奖杯,并且在获得提名资格的第一年就能入选名人堂。

    Had this man been able to stay healthy , McGrady may have finished his career as a first-ballot Hall of Famer and won himself an MVP award or two .

  23. 没有姚明的篮球历史是不完整的,所以应该有一天他的东西在Springfield(名人堂所在地)被人们认出来。

    You can 't write the history of basketball without Yao Ming , and that 's why his legacy ought to someday be recognized in Springfield .

  24. 这位名人堂成员也是目前NBA历史上唯一一位完成此壮举的球员,但本赛季俄克拉何马城雷霆队的拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克和休斯顿火箭队的詹姆斯-哈登在这两项数据上皆排名联盟前列。

    The Hall of Famer remains the only player to accomplish the feat , but Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder and James Harden of the Houston Rockets rank among the league leaders in both categories this season .

  25. 主要成就:1963-64赛季MVP,12次全明星,11次最佳阵容,名人堂成员,1次总冠军(1971)

    Honors : MVP ( 1963-64 ) , 12-time All-Star , 11-time All-NBA selection , Rookie of the Year ( 1960-61 ) , Hall of Fame , 1 championships ( 1971 )

  26. 棒球名人堂成员小卡尔·里普肯虽然在40岁时表现不佳,但他还是入选2001年的美国职业棒球大联盟(MLB)全明星赛。

    Baseball Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr. notably made the 2001 MLB All-Star Game despite a downswing in his performance at age 40 .

  27. Dennard于1997年入选了全国发明家名人堂。

    Dennard was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in1997 .

  28. 底特律的市民将要选出他们下七个半月的市长,选举结果将在KenCockrelJr和名人堂成员戴夫·宾中产生。

    Voters in Detroit are chosing who will be their for the next seven and a half month . The race is between Ken Cockrel Jr and basketball Hall of Famer turn businessman Dave Bing .

  29. 歌手多诺万的代表曲目包括《SunshineSuperman》、《MellowYellow》、《HurdyGurdyMan》等等,他与奇想乐队的创建人雷·戴维斯一同入选创作人名人堂。

    Singer Donovan , who sings " Sunshine Superman , " " Mellow Yellow " and " Hurdy Gurdy Man , " just is named with a few along with The Kinks founder , Ray Davies be headlined this year adopted the songwriters Hall of Fame .

  30. 只有通过WHQL以及我们的驱动认可过程的驱动,才会被允许作为用于我们的ORB数据库和名人堂的可比对结果。

    Only drivers that have passed WHQL and our driver authorization process have comparable results that will be allowed for use in our ORB database and hall of fame .