
  • 网络Law of Negation
  1. 否定之否定规律在设计中的应用

    Application of the Law of Negation of Negation in Design

  2. 论否定之否定规律的整体性特征

    The Integral Character of the Law of Negation of Negation

  3. 他自觉而熟练地运用否定之否定规律分析艺术现象;

    E Applied the double-negation law to the analysis of artistic phenomenon .

  4. 否定之否定规律在辩证法中处于何种地位?我们认为,任何事物都是自己运动、自身发展和自我完善的;

    What is the position of negation of negation law in dialectics ?

  5. 论否定之否定规律在航海领域中的表现

    On nautical manifestation of negation of negation law

  6. 试论系统科学对否定之否定规律的丰富和发展

    On the Enrichment and Development of the Law of Negation 's Negation by System Science

  7. 也可说是三大规律之一的否定之否定规律之使然。

    Is one of the three rules of law of negation of negation of baron .

  8. 本文从生物的量变与质变、遗传与变异、生物发展中否定之否定规律的作用等不同侧面。

    In the different aspects of biological change in quantity and quality ; inheritance and variance ;

  9. 否定之否定规律描述的只是事物内容和形式矛盾的发展过程和趋势。

    The law of the negation of negation only deals with the contradiction between content and form .

  10. 螺旋式上升或波浪式前进都是对否定之否定规律的正确的形象的表述。

    The wave-like progress is , therefore , an unmistakable expression of the law of negation of negation .

  11. 但总的发展趋势却是在前进中曲折,在曲折中发展,符合马克思主义唯物辩证法的否定之否定规律。

    But the whole developing trend is advancing up-and-down , which is in accordance with Marxism materialist dialectics .

  12. 本文从三个方面论述了系统科学对否定之否定规律的丰富和发展。

    It was discussed in three aspects that system science enriches and develops the law of negation 's negation .

  13. 二是对这种否定之否定规律从精神和物质两个方面加以进一步的论述。

    Then we will dissertate this rule from two aspects : one is spirit , the other is matter .

  14. 否定之否定规律揭示了建筑发展的大致轮廓,但总体上还是粗线条式的。

    The architectural development appeared as the law of the negation of negation , which the outline of architectural development was disclosed .

  15. 根据唯物辩证法的三大规律之一&否定之否定规律,事物的发展是曲折性与前进性的统一。

    According to one of three laws in Materialism and Dialectic Method & deny of deny , any development of matters shows a combination of tortuosity and advancing .

  16. 也揭示了理论的发展过程经历了否定之否定规律,对于理论家在以后的理论研究中有着重要的指导和参考价值。

    In addition , the law of negation of negation reveals the law of theoretical evolution , which has an important directing significance and a reference value for theorists to study new theory .

  17. 如果把否定之否定规律作为出发点并进行适度抽象而予以形式化,那么,否定之否定过程的“三段式”模式就表现为一个以环节为其结构成分的周期链。

    If the negation of negation is sieved as a baseline and moderated and symbolized , the model of " syllogism " in the process of the negation of negation will be expressed as a periodic link .

  18. 要正确认识和把握否定之否定规律的实质和特征,必须正确回答三个问题,即:如何理解自身发展、自我完善的运动?

    In order to properly understand and grasp the essence and basic feature of negation of negation law , three questions must be answered , namely , how to understand the movement of self development and self perfection ?

  19. 在这三大规律之中,只有否定之否定规律是从整体上概括所有事物发展过程的唯一的运动规律,另外两个规律是它的某种部分。

    And herein , only the law of negation of negation is the " one and only law of motion ", which generalizing the development progress of everything as a whole , while the other two laws is just a certain part of it .

  20. 本文分析了化学平衡及平衡移动中包含的辩证法的基本规律,即对立统一规律、质量互变规律、否定之否定规律;

    In this paper , we analysed the basic laws of dialectics , that is , the law of the unity of opposites , the law of qualitative and quantitative mutual change , the law of negation of negation in reaching chemical equilibrium and in its shift .

  21. 从劳动者同生产资料的结合、分离、更高形式的结合上可以解开所谓的“辩证法之迷”,即生产发展的必然规律同否定之否定规律的一致性。

    According to the combination , separation and superior combination of labourer and means of production , the so-called " dialectical puzzle " can be settled , that is , the inexorable law of the development of production and the law of the negation of negation are identical .

  22. 换句话说,宇宙间的一切,都无不是在按照否定之否定的规律运行的。

    In other words , all of the universe , all without exception is in accordance with the laws of negation of negation of operation .

  23. 此体现了事物前进性与曲折性,上升性与回归性的对立统一,是矛盾规律和否定之否定发展规律在人的这个主题上于哲学史上的活泼演绎和生动体现。

    It embodies advance and complication 、 rise and regression of the unity of opposite . It is the lively deduction and embodiment of the contradiction law and the law of negation 's negation on human being in history of philosophy .

  24. 该演化序列符合否定之否定的发展规律。

    The evolvement sequence of these types obeys the " law of denial 's denial " .

  25. 采用文献资料法、逻辑思维法等方法,较系统地阐述了运动训练设计思想中的相关哲学原理与生理基础,论述了运动训练关于对立统一、质量互变和否定之否定等基本规律的哲学思辩。

    This paper expatiates on the philosophical and physiological theories in sports training designing with regard to the unity of the opposites , mutual change law of quality and quantity and negation of negation law in sports training etc.

  26. 正确理解否定之否定过程的开端和终点,是认识否定之否定规律整体性特征的关键性环节。

    A correct comprehension of the beginning and ending of negation of negation is a key link in recognizing the unity of this law .