
  • 网络Toy Museum
  1. 如果你能在香港王子大厦里找对路,穿过玩具博物馆(其实不算是博物馆,应该说是一个玩具商店)里乱糟糟的各类杂物,你就能找到那个有魔法般技巧的男人:李Ambrose。

    If you can fight your way through the clutter of the Toy Museum ( which is really a toy store not a museum ) in Hong Kong 's Prince 's Building , you 'll find a man with a magical skill . Ambrose Lee is his name .

  2. 扬州中国玩具博物馆收藏云和精品木质玩具

    China Toy Museum collects fine wooden toys made in Yunhe

  3. 斯科特·G·埃伯利(ScottG.Eberle)是罗切斯特(Rochester)斯特朗国家玩具博物馆(Strongmuseum)的副馆长,负责研究玩具。他表示,办公室玩具另一个好处是,它们能诱导你进入冥想状态。

    Scott G. Eberle , vice president for play studies at the Strong museum in Rochester , said another benefit of desktop toys is the way they lull you into a meditative state .

  4. 打扰一下,请问玩具博物馆在哪里?

    Excuse me . Where 's the Toy Museum ?

  5. 有科学博物馆。技术博物馆、玩具博物馆、历史博物馆、邮票博物馆,甚至是关于博物馆的博物馆。

    There are museums for science , technology , toys , history , stamps and even museum museums .

  6. 新加坡古董玩具收藏家开设玩具博物馆

    The Singapore antique toy collector will open the toy museum