
  1. 电子商务专利问题是一个正处于发展中的问题。

    The electronic business patent problem is a developing issue .

  2. 其次,归纳总结出电子商务专利技术框架。

    Secondly , propose technical framework for E-commerce .

  3. 电子商务专利问题在国内外引起了广泛的争议。

    Currently , patent related e-commerce is among the widely debated issues in the world .

  4. 第二,传统的专利侵权判定的原则及方法是否可以继续适用于电子商务专利?

    Secondly , Can the principle and method of traditional patent infringement decision still apply to E-commerce patent ?

  5. 第三,如何解决以跨地域性的互联网为技术基石的电子商务专利与专利权的地域性保护之间的冲突所产生的专利侵权管辖问题?

    And thirdly , How to solve the patent infringement jurisdiction problem caused by the conflict between the non-regional nature of the Internet that is base of E-commerce patent and the regional nature the patent right protection ?

  6. 电子商务方法专利化研究

    A Study on Patentability of Online Business Methods

  7. 第二部分主要介绍美国的电子商务方法专利化实践。

    Part Two mainly introduces the business methods patenting practice in the United States .

  8. 论电子商务与专利权

    E - Commerce and Patent Right

  9. 电子商务商业方法专利的创造性判断标准分析

    Analysis on the Criterion for the Judgment of Non-obviousness of E-business Method Patent

  10. 电子商务商业方法专利;创造性判断标准;启示。

    E-business method patent ; criterion for the judgment of non-obviousness ; enlightenment .

  11. 我国电子商务商业方法专利发展态势分析

    Development State about Electronic Business Commerce Method Patent Application

  12. 电子商务商业方法专利战略

    Patent Strategies for Business Methods of Electronic Business

  13. 论述了不属于侵犯电子商务商业方法专利权利范围的几种抗辩理由。

    Discusses several defenses that do not belong to the range of violations of e-commerce business method patent rights .

  14. 第三章在论述电子商务商业方法专利保护的必要性后,对我国电子商务商业方法的专利保护提出立法应对策略。

    In part three , after discussing the necessity of the patent protect for electronic commerce business methods , the author gave some legal suggestions for it .

  15. 其次笔者分析了电子商务商业方法专利保护的利弊,得出利大于弊的结论。

    Secondly , the author analyzed the advantages and the disadvantages of the patent protect for electronic commerce business methods and took a conclusion the advantages are more than the disadvantages .

  16. 但对于怎样的电子商务商业方法的专利是符合三性的。

    But for how e-commerce business method patent is in line with the " three " .

  17. 第二部分,对电子商务商业方法的专利资格条件进行研究。

    In the second part , the thesis studies the prerequisite requirements of patent of E-business method .

  18. 最后笔者在结合我国国情的基础上,对电子商务商业方法的专利保护目前的制度选择和未来的立法走向提出了自己的看法。

    Finally , the author took own viewpoint of the institutional choice today and the legislation in the future for the patent protect of electronic commerce business methods .

  19. 电子商务的技术性和潜在的经济利益孕育了电子商务专利。

    Technicality and potential economic interest of E-commerce gestate the E-commerce patent .

  20. 由于电子商务方法完全是一个新兴事物,因此有关该类技术的文献资料还相当匮乏,这对电子商务方法专利申请的审查是一个不利因素。

    Since online business methods are completely new to us , relevant prior art information and documentation is relatively rare .