
  1. 北京东便门明城墙遗址公园

    The Ming Dynasty East Wicket Wall Relic Park in Beijing

  2. 北京王府井东方广场旧石器晚期文化遗址的古环境背景建立皇城遗址公园和明北京城墙遗址公园。

    Paleo Environment Settings of the Dongfang Plaza Late Paleolithic Site , Wangfujing , Beijing ; Two memorial parks shall be set up , one of the Old Imperial City and the other of the Beijing City Walls of the Ming Dynasty .

  3. Loken说:很多的国外游者和中国游者沿着明长城从嘉峪关到达终点,即河北省山海关现存明城墙遗址。他是第一个沿着明朝古地图路线-很多的城石都磨上几个世纪之久的痕迹-到达湖山。

    While about a dozen foreigners and even more Chinese have followed the Ming Wall from Jiayuguan to the end of the existing bulwark in Hebei province 's Shanhaiguan , Loken was the first to continue on to retrace the Ming-era maps ' original route - the stone of which centuries have mostly ground away - to Hushan .