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  • Oil fired furnace;oil burnet
  1. CARS光谱测温技术应用于燃油炉火焰温度场的测量

    Application of cars measuring technique for temperature measurement in a flame of oil spray burner

  2. 油燃烧器性能在降压运行时对过热器安全的影响采用水平燃油炉对试件进行升温,给出了采用轧制H型钢的简支梁在火灾作用下的变形和截面温度分布。

    The Effects of Oil Burner Performances on Safety of Superheater in Dropped Pressure Operation The specimen temperature was elevated by the horizontal furnace with oil burner . The deformation and temperature distribution of simple supported steel beams were detected .

  3. 简述了旋流板塔原理、结构、设计参数,并列举了该塔在NOx、有机废气、HCl、燃油炉烟等方面治理工程应用实例。

    The paper briefly described the principle , structure and design parameters of the rotating tower and stated its applications in the treatment of the NOx , organic gas , HCl , and gas of burning oil .

  4. 热气是由燃油炉供给的。

    The hot air is provided by an oil-fired furnace .

  5. 燃油炉火焰辐射的双色法实验研究

    Experimental studies of flame radiation in cylindrical oil-burnt furnace with two-colour method

  6. 基于图像分类的工业燃油炉燃烧状况的诊断方法研究

    The Diagnostic Method for Combustion Based on Image Classification

  7. 燃油炉加热温度微机控制系统

    Control system of heating temperature of oil furnace

  8. 氧化镁法烟气脱硫工艺在燃油炉上的应用

    Application of flue gas desulfurization in using magnesia process in furnace with fuel-tube built

  9. 她弄翻了燃油炉,整房间马上就着火了。

    She upset the oil burner and the whole room was soon in a blaze .

  10. 2×4.5m~2台车式燃油炉的技术改造

    Technical Reformation of 2 × 4 . 5m ~ 2 Car-Type Oil - fired Furnace

  11. 原来是燃油炉出现了故障,它不仅向外冒出了滚滚浓烟,而且还释放出致命的一氧化碳。

    The problem was a malfunctioning furnace that not only spewed smoke , but deadly carbon monoxide .

  12. 燃油炉火焰温度的双色法测量与辐射换热的计算

    Measurements of flame temperature with two-colour method and numerical calculations of radiation heat transfer in cylindrical oil-burnt furnace

  13. 双色法测试系统的标定及燃油炉火焰辐射的测量

    The Calibration of Two-Colour Method Measurement System for Radiation and the Measurement of Flame Radiation of the Cylindrical Oil-Burnt Furnace

  14. 将薄荷油或桉树香精油放在燃油炉里燃烧或倒几滴在面巾纸上,将其呼入体内。

    Burn peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil in an oil burner or spill a few drops onto a tissue and inhale .

  15. 220t/h电站燃油炉改烧水煤浆炉内传热及排放特性的试验

    Heat Transfer and Emission Characteristics Tests of a 220 t / h Oil fired Utility Boiler Retrofitted for Firing Coal water Slurry

  16. 本文在分析了影响工业燃油炉燃烧效率因素的基础上,提出了一种基于火焰彩色图像像素分类的表征燃烧状况的指标评价函数。

    This paper presents a combustion evaluation function based on flame color image classification after analysing the influential factors on the burning efficiency of industrial oil furnace .

  17. WNS系列燃油燃气炉CAD软件开发

    Development of CAD software of WNS oil / gas fired boilers

  18. 本文总结了大连大起集团公司3t自由锻锤用室式燃油加热炉改造的经验及效果。

    The paper summarized the experience and effect of reform on box type oil burning heating furnace used in 3 t free forging hammer .

  19. 介绍了燃油加热炉淬火加热温度的微机自动控制系统,采用连续PID调节,自动冷端温度补偿,使炉温调节精度高,稳定性好。

    An automatic control system of heating temperature of an oil furnace is introduced . By adopting the continual PID regulation and the automatic temperature compensation for the cold end , the precision of temperature regulation for the furnace and its stability are raised .

  20. 介绍160t/h微正压燃油锅炉炉内及旋流燃烧器出口空气动力场测试方法和测试结果,讨论加模拟火炬气前后空气动力场的变化。

    Air dynamics field test method and test results in 160t / h positive pressure oil-fired boiler and vortex burner outlet are introduced and changes of air dynamics field with and without the simulated torch gas are discussed in this paper .

  21. 数字式智能调节仪在燃油镀锌炉中的应用

    Application of Digital Intellectual Accommodate Instrument to Oil-burning Furnace for Galvanizing

  22. 雾化介质对燃油加热炉内流动和燃烧的影响

    Impact of atomizing medium on flow and oil combustion in furnace

  23. 铝棒坯燃油加热炉的结构和节能效果

    Structure and Energy-saving Effect of Oil-fired Heating Furnace for Aluminium Rods

  24. 锻造车间室式燃油加热炉节能改造

    Energy saving Reform of Box type Oil burning Furnace in Forging work

  25. 燃油时效炉改造研讨

    An Investigation on the Reformation of a Fuel Aging Furnance

  26. 燃油开工炉在硫酸生产中的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Oil Operation Stove in Producing Vitriol

  27. 涂装生产线中的燃油热风炉

    Fuel oil hot air oven in painting production line

  28. 燃油退火炉温度的智能控制

    Expert intelligent control of temperature for oil-burning annealing furnace

  29. 燃油加热炉熔灰腐蚀研究进展

    Research Progress on the Corrosion of Fused Ash in Fuel - fired Furnace

  30. 热管空气预热器在大型燃油工业炉上的应用

    The Application of a Heat-pipe Air Preheater on a Large-sized Fuel Oil-fired Industrial Furnace