- hold;grip;grasp

A wrestling hold in which the opponent 's arm is twisted up behind his back .
A wrestling hold in which the opponent 's head is locked between the crook of your elbow and the side of your body .
What kind of grip do you recommend for your players ?
Try a two-handed backhand , same grip , and then low to high .
Second , basic skill includes principal footwork , major hand holding methods and basic kicks .
This course practices the skill on grip , strokes , footwork , forehand drive , backhand drive , serve , and playing single and doubles .
The discus throwing techniques can be analyzed in four phases : discus grip , initial stance and preliminary swings , rotation , delivery and balance recovery .
Well , I want to buy a printer . what do you had in stock ? What kind of grip do you recommend for your players ?
People are almost always expected to eat with a knife and fork and these should be held in the correct hand and used in the correct way !
As each was graded on their overall performance , five ` handshake raters ` also marked them on their grip , strength , duration , vigour and eye contact .
As each was graded on their overall performance , five ' handshake raters ' also marked them on their grip , strength , duration , vigour and eye contact .
My golf has got better but I still need to improve my grip .
The value of blood coagulation time with holding test tube method have no significant difference under different indoor temperature .
Analyze the racket grasp style , footwork , and the course of lead and brandish of the two baseline drives respectively , and compare the techniques and bio-mechanical characteristics between .
James : But I prefer the shake-hands grip because I can smash the ball with a backhand stroke more easily . She used a tennis grip rather than the traditional " pen-holder " style .
In the snatch , the lifter takes a wide grip on the Bar as it rests on the floor and pulls the Bar overhead in a single motion .
A wrestling hold in which one arm is passed under the opponent 's arm from behind to the back of the neck .
There are basically three ways to grip the club : overlapping grip , interlocking and baseball grip .
Forehand : The stroke used to return a ball hit to the right of a right-handed player and to the left of a left-handed player . What kind of grip do you recommend for your players ?