
wò shǒu
  • handshake;shake;shake hands;clasp hands
握手 [wò shǒu]
  • [handshake] 通常用于会见或告别时,两人右手相握或相握后两手上下轻轻摇动,以表示友谊、热情、良好祝愿,或慰问,或仅系一种礼节

握手[wò shǒu]
  1. 在意大利,人们见面时握手吗?

    Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet ?

  2. 他隔着桌子把手伸过去和杰斯林握手。

    He reached his hand across the table to shake hands with jacelin .

  3. 主人热情地和我们每个人握手。

    Our host shook each of us warmly by the hand .

  4. 他们达成了协议,相互握手祝贺。

    They shook hands on the deal .

  5. 布鲁斯刚和我们握了握手,电话就响了。

    Bruce had scarcely shaken our hands when the phone rang .

  6. 他们的握手似乎是和解的表示。

    Their handshake appeared to be a gesture of reconciliation .

  7. 男人们喜欢他拍背握手的热情举动。

    Men love him for his hearty back-slapping and hand-shaking .

  8. 和她握手时他的手温暖而有力。

    His hand as it shook hers was warm and firm

  9. 我向他表示祝贺,并走过去和他握手。

    I said congratulations and walked over to him and shook his hand

  10. 那种病毒不会通过接触或握手传染。

    The virus is not passed on through touching or shaking hands .

  11. 我们握了握手,然后祝福道别。

    We shook hands and parted on good terms .

  12. 她被告知要回绝掉那些握手软弱无力的申请者。

    She was told to reject applicants with limp handshakes

  13. 英格丽德和公爵夫人握了握手并行了屈膝礼。

    Ingrid shook the Duchess 's hand and curtsied .

  14. 贝克尔站起来和本握手。

    Becker stood and shook hands with Ben .

  15. 约翰微笑着和他热情地握手。

    John smiled and gave him a hearty handshake

  16. 他又是握手,又是拍背,像个政客一样把一屋子的人都笼络了一番。

    He worked the room like a politician , gripping hands , and slapping backs .

  17. 短暂的握手有力沉稳。

    The quick handshake was firm and cool

  18. 他握手时很有力。

    He has a strong handshake .

  19. 克拉克与舵手握手后向艉部走去,打算下船。

    Clark shook hands with the pilot and walked aft to find his way off the ship .

  20. 总统应该抓住这个机会与各政党握手言好,协商尽快恢复民主。

    The President ought to seize this opportunity to make his peace with political parties and negotiate a speedy return to democracy

  21. 主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。

    The host seized my hand and shook it heartily .

  22. 他和我们热情地握手。

    He shook hands warmly with us .

  23. 两人紧紧握手,互道珍重。

    They clasped hands , telling each other to take good care .

  24. 见到了分别已久的老朋友,他热情握手。

    He gave the long parted friend the glad hand .

  25. 在选举日,那位政客在街上与选民们热情握手。

    The politician went down the street or election day giving everyone the glad hand .

  26. 他们紧紧握手。

    Their hands gripped hard .

  27. 两人紧紧握手。

    They clasped hands tightly .

  28. 告别学生时代,许多人会在当地平价、气氛友好的小酒吧喝上最后一杯,和长期相处的室友握手,之后告别狭小的公寓走进高楼里。

    As they left student life behind , many had a last drink at their cheap but friendly local bar , shook hands with longtime roommates , and last out of small apartments into high buildings .

  29. 他和即将离开的人握手。

    He shook hands with the men who were leaving .

  30. 在俄罗斯,千万不要在门口握手。如果你在泰国旅行,千万不要碰别人的头或者用脚对着别人。

    In Russia , you should never shake hands in a doorway , and if you 're travelling in Thailand , never touch people 's heads or point your feet at people .